Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2574 Take Lin Anxin away decisively

Si's Group has built a children's paradise in the city center that integrates entertainment, leisure and shopping. This card is a limited edition gold card, with only ten pieces in total, used to give to partners who cooperate with Si's Group. With this card, everything consumed in the children's playground is free of charge. Si's Group's children's playground originally took a high-end route, and all the stores it entered were top-notch children's brands. It can be seen that the value of this card cannot be calculated in terms of money.

He casually took out such a precious gold card and gave it to a child as a third birthday gift.

Chi Enen glanced at Li Beijue and saw that Li Beijue's dark eyes were full of doting. She took Si Chen's gold card and said, "Thank you."

"It should be." Si Chen walked up to Nono, pinched Nono's soft cheeks, and his heart softened. "Next year, it's Nono's birthday. Can uncle give you another big surprise?"

"Okay~Thank you, Shushu~" The little girl's eyes are big and round, but the key is that she is brave. Normally, a little girl would be so frightened that she would start crying if someone she was not particularly familiar with pinched her cheek. She was not afraid at all, and she even put her little bun face close and rubbed it into Si Chen's palm. That cute look looked like a folded-eared cat, which really hurt Si Chen's bones.

Si Chen couldn't help but couldn't help but raised his head and said to the arrogant man, "How about you lend Nono to me for two days?"

Li Beijue glanced over with a sharp look and asked coldly, "Do you want to die?"

Si Chen helplessly reached out and touched the bridge of his nose, his peach blossom eyes curled up, "I don't want to."

After all, they had been friends for many years, and he just wanted to borrow his precious daughter to play with for two days, yet he was so cruel. Hey~ Sure enough, the baby still has to be his own family.

Chi Enen couldn't help laughing and said to him, "Master Si, wait a moment. I'll help you call An Xin out."

Si Chen came to see Lin Anxin, so he didn't show any pretense and said to her with a smile, "Sorry to trouble you, yes."


Chi Enen quickly called out the people who were playing games in Chi Baobei's room. Lin Anxin was stunned for a moment when he saw Si Chen.

"How did you come?"

"Do you know what time it is?" Si Chen's handsome face darkened at her words.

Lin Anxin touched the back of his head, innocently asking, "What time is it?"

She looked at the wall and saw that the clock had reached half past ten. Her eyes widened in surprise and she blurted out, "Fuck, it's so late. I thought it was only half past eight."

The corner of Si Chen's mouth twitched, "It's almost eleven o'clock. I went to your house to find you, but you were not at home. I called your agent, and your agent also said that he was not with you. If Bei Jue hadn't said that you With them, I'm ready to let the police find you."

"...It's not that exaggerated. You can call me." Lin Anxin felt guilty for no reason.

Si Chen really wanted to strangle her to death, and said word by word, "Look at your phone yourself."

"What's wrong with my phone..." She took out her phone and pressed it twice. Sadly, she found that the phone had run out of power and automatically shut down.

Si Chen, "You think I didn't call you? I called you a dozen times and all of them were turned off. Do you think I should call the police?"

Lin Anxin was playing by himself and lost track of time. He also knew that it was his fault. It was rare for someone to give face to him and not talk to him. Si Chen found someone, chatted with Chi Enen and the others for a few words, and then left with Lin Anxin.

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