Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2576 You care about other men in front of me now

"Are you a rabbit?" The man's domineering gaze fell on her intently, his starry eyes were bright, his thin lips were slightly raised, and he was in a good mood.

Chi Enen silently retracted his hand and said calmly, "Li Beijue, are you in a good mood recently?"

Li Beijue grabbed one of her hands, put it in his palm and played with it. He lowered his eyelids and said in a low and sexy voice, "It's not very good, but it's good."

"Why?" Chi Enen looked at him with confusion, his expression full of confusion.

Some time ago, his pressure was very low because of the black network incident, but why did he suddenly become better again?

Li Beijue basically wouldn't hide anything from her, but there were some things that she didn't find out or ask about. Now that Chi Enen asked, he didn't mean to hide it and said directly, "Because I gave Aos a big gift."


Chi Enen contacted what Lin Anxin said this afternoon and blurted out in surprise, "Is it possible that Lu Zhiang's return has something to do with you?"

"It has something to do with me!" Li Beijue's eyes flashed, "I found the person and gave it to Wesley."

Chi Enen, what does "..." mean.

"Lu Zhiang has a grudge against Wesley, and I happen to have a grudge against Wesley. And Aos, I did such dangerous things to you before and challenged my limits again and again. Do you think I will tolerate it?" Him? Now that Lu Zhiang has appeared, I want to see if the alliance of interests between him and Wesley still exists. They started the game, and now it is my turn to control it. "

Li Beijue spoke very implicitly, but Chi Enen understood what he meant.

The truth should be that Li Beijue found out the relationship between Lu Zhiang and Wesley somewhere, then found Lu Zhiang in advance and persuaded Lu Zhiang to recognize Wesley.

Once Lu Zhiang appears, Ao Si's status will be unstable, and the two will form a competitive relationship. At the same time, the relationship between Os and his stepfather Wesley will no longer be as pure as before.

After all, Wesley had no biological flesh and blood of his own before, and he had long since lost the ability to have children.

It's different now, Wesley has Lu Zhiang.

Then, everything in the Aos Group may not necessarily belong to Aos.

Without the connection of interests, the relationship will become weak. Li Beijue wanted to cut off the alliance between Wesley and Aos first, and then break them individually.

Chi Enen, "But how do you know Lu Zhiang is Wesley's son?"

"There is nothing in this world that I cannot know, only what I don't want to know!" Just like when she suddenly ran away from him, the reason why he didn't find her was because he was too young at that time, and his pride prevented him from trying his best to find her. she. If he was really looking for her, how could he not find her?

Later, they met again, and he began to make sure of his heart, and she would never be able to run away again!

"It's very simple to check the relationship between Lu Zhiang and Wesley. Just check Wesley's relationship between men and women at that time. Wesley never thought that he would leave a child, otherwise you would think that Lu Zhiang could be free. Living for so many years?”

"Isn't Lu Zhiang in danger?" Chi Enen was worried about Lin Anxin. She knew what happened between Lin Anxin and Lu Zhiang before, and she also knew that Lin Anxin felt guilty about Lu Zhiang now. Of course, she still didn't want anything to happen to Lu Zhiang.

Li Beijue pursed his thin lips, narrowed his eagle eyes, clasped his arms around her slender waist, and gritted his teeth, "Damn it, are you caring about other men in front of me?"

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