Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2582 Haha, you are humiliating yourself

Special Assistant Xu from the elevator came down quickly and greeted him, "Mr. Han, Manager Han, I'm sorry, I was supposed to go out to pick up the two of you. But there was some urgent work above, so it was delayed a little. I'm really sorry."

The old man smiled slightly and didn't take it to heart at all. "It doesn't matter. Special Assistant Xu's work is important."

Mr. Han's status was so obvious that Special Assistant Xu did not dare to neglect them and immediately said, "Mr. Li has just come to the company. Mr. Han and Manager Han will come up with me first."


The three people got on the elevator.

As the elevator went up, Assistant Xu explained softly, "Mr. Han, although Mr. Li has come to the company, he still has some personal matters to deal with. You and Manager Han may need to wait in the office for a while. I will make coffee for you two. ”

"What is Beijue busy with?"

"This..." Special Assistant Xu hesitated for a moment, but chose to tell the truth, "That's it, our president's wife wants to move the Lane headquarters to W City, but has not been able to choose a suitable office location. The president moved Li's The 8th and 9th floors of the headquarters are vacant and reserved for Ryan. Now Mr. Li is taking the young lady over to see the renovation of the office. "

Han Wenwen's face turned pale and blue. She couldn't believe her ears and couldn't help but blurt out, "You mean brother Jue gave up the land of Li's headquarters for her to work?"

She is brother Jue, and she is hostile. Who is Special Assistant Xu? They are all human beings. Han Wenwen just didn't pay attention. He immediately realized that Han Wenwen might be interested in his boss. His eyes became colder, "Yes, the president did this to make it easier to stay with the young lady."

He smiled, as if he didn't notice Han Wenwen's expression change, and said, "Our president and the young madam have a very good relationship. The president attaches great importance to the young madam, so he prepared all this for the young madam without telling the young madam."

Every word he spoke was like a steel needle poking into Han Wenwen's heart, which made Han Wenwen almost unable to breathe.

Where is Li's headquarters? This is a prime location, and every inch of land is valuable to describe it!

The key is that generally only Li's company can occupy a chaebol's headquarters.

What is Ryan?

Lane, that's the Habsden estate.

Even if they get married, Ryan is not Li's company. What is Brother Jue doing? Just because he allowed Ryan's people to move into Li's headquarters doesn't mean he's exposing his softest belly! Does he really believe that that woman can manage Ryan well? Who can manage Ryan well? What if there is a commercial spy in Ryan, what if that woman is not sincere to him!

Han Wenwen's eyes shook violently, she could hardly control herself, her face was full of jealousy.

Mr. Han's expression darkened, especially when he saw the undisguised jealousy in her eyes. He steadied himself and suddenly said to Assistant Xu, "Since Bei Jue is busy today, I'll bother you another day."

"Uh, Mr. Han?"

Mr. Han explained soothingly, "Don't get me wrong, I just have to go somewhere next, and the other party is still waiting for me. Beijue will be busy for a while, so I will go back today and talk to Beijue another day. Make an appointment for the same time.”

Han Wenwen came back to her senses at this moment. After hearing what Mr. Han said, she finally realized something, her face changed drastically, she bit her lower lip and cried out pleadingly, "Grandpa~"

Mr. Han just looked at her calmly, as if she had been touched, and did not dare to say any more.

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