"Ah!" Si Zhihao screamed and squatted down, covering his key parts.

Lin Anxin felt much better, and even pretended to be scared and backed away, "No, I'm sorry, you suddenly came so close to me, I subconsciously..."

Si Zhihao's eyes were so painful that they almost burst out. He couldn't show his ferocious side in front of his prey, so he could only endure the pain and twitch the corners of his mouth, "It doesn't matter, I scared you..."

He literally squeezed out the last few words through his teeth. The most vulnerable part was severely injured, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his cerebral cortex was twitching in pain. What he wants to do most now is to go to the doctor for a check-up to see if Lin An's attack just now hurt his most precious lifeblood.

"It's good that you're okay." He originally wanted to show that he was a gentleman, enduring the pain to comfort her even though it was painful for her to hit him. He never expected that Lin Anxin would take it seriously. Si Zhihao felt the pain down there was even worse. Not only was it painful down there, he also had a terrible headache.

Damn, is this woman pretending to be stupid or is she really stupid?

Lin Anxin didn't give him a chance to see through her, and said to the man squatting on the ground in pain without any psychological burden, "Well... I've been out for too long, Si Chen should worry about me. Since you're fine, I'll Don’t worry, I’m leaving now.”

Is she leaving? !

Si Zhihao cursed in his heart, with an anxious look on his face, and stopped her, "An Xin..."

Lin Anxin turned around and asked him confusedly before he could speak, "What's wrong? Didn't you just say you were fine? Could it be that something happened to you again?"

Si Zhihao was so choked by her that he choked back all the words.

Just now he pretended to be fine, but now he could still force her to pretend to be injured and let her stay to take care of him. Doesn't that mean you've slapped yourself in the face and exposed yourself as a liar?

He saw that the duck that was almost cooked was about to fly away, and he was kicked by the duck. The blood in his chest was so suffocated that it almost flowed backwards. He took a deep breath and forced out a smile that could no longer be fake. "It's okay. I just called you."

"Oh." Lin Anxin didn't answer and said hurriedly, "Then I'll leave first. Bye."

The blood in Si Zhihao's chest was so tight that he really wanted to spit it out, but he still had to insist on saying goodbye to her like a gentleman, "Bye."

Lin An walked away without looking back.

Then he punched the wall hard, "Damn woman!"

He covered his lower part again, breaking into a cold sweat from the pain. He took out his mobile phone and called his personal doctor, "Hey, I'll go over to your place to see you in an hour. You can check something for me. Well, that's it. , I still have something to do."

He hung up the phone in a blink of an eye, propped himself up against the wall, and waited until the severe pain down below passed before walking to the hall...

Si Chen's most beloved woman.

He must grab it!

Let the man who always looked at him with a disdainful expression know what it means to be heartbroken!

Just like how they felt when Su Yijiu stepped in and took away the position that belonged to the fucking Mrs. Si family!

Whenever Si Zhihao thinks that if Su Yijiu hadn't interfered, he should now be the legitimate heir of the Si family, and everything Si Chen has now belongs to him, he feels uneasy in his chest.

Sooner or later, he will let Su Yijiu and her son return what belongs to them, just wait!

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