Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2606 Just deal with a female star

They are both biological sons. Si Sheng Yao himself said that he is more worry-free than Si Chen and listens to his words more. In the end, he still wanted to leave his most valuable thing to Si Chen.

Haha, give him any real estate.

How much is real estate worth?

The total real estate under his name does not exceed one billion at most, but the stocks in his hands are more than that.

Si Zhihao resented Si Shengyao's differential treatment, but he did not dare to show it in front of Si Shengyao. He could only endure it, lowered his head, and said softly, "I know dad, I will let Mr. Si and try not to follow him." conflict."

He made a promise, and Si Shengyao was even more satisfied. He took the hand on his shoulder and said several words in a row, "Don't worry, I will do more ideological work for Shen'er. He will know about it in the future, brother." We are always brothers, blood is thicker than water, and we must be more trustworthy than outsiders."

"Yes." Si Zhihao nodded with trust.

Si Shengyao turned his attention to Si Chen and Lin Anxin with satisfaction. He saw Si Chen holding Lin Anxin's hand in public, looking very intimate. His face, which finally calmed down a bit, was livid with anger, "This actor!"

Si Zhihao still likes Lin Anxin very much. After what happened just now, he now completely regards Lin Anxin as his own. Of course, he doesn't want Si Shengyao to be too prejudiced against Lin Anxin. So he unexpectedly dissuaded Si Shengyao, "Dad, why are you angry with a celebrity? Anyway, if you don't agree, she can't enter Si's house."

It's best for Lin Anxin not to be able to enter Si Chen's house, so that he can take the opportunity to sow discord between the two of them, sneak in and possess Si Chen's favorite woman!

"But look at her like that. There are so many people here, and she still wants to stick to Shen'er. It's so wanton!" Si Shengyao couldn't hide his anger and snorted, "Don't think that I don't know what she is planning. She thinks Shen Er will marry her if she declares her sovereignty here? Who doesn't know that her identity can't be brought to the fore? I don't believe she can make trouble just by playing some tricks here. After the ribbon-cutting, I will personally call Shen Er’s mother! This female star is too annoying and must be cleared away, otherwise it will only hinder Shen Er’s future development!”

"Dad, this is not good. Mr. Si seems to like her very much. If you insist on driving Lin Anxin away, I'm afraid you will have a conflict with Mr. Si." Si Zhihao gloated in his heart and said it beautifully.

Si Shengyao's face was solemn and he had made up his mind, "You don't have to worry about it, I've already decided."

He didn't believe that Si Chen would fall out with him because of an unworthy woman!

"I'm just worried about your health." Si Zhihao supported him and carefully guided his back with one hand, "The doctor said that your blood pressure has been too high recently and you need to rest to recover."

"I'm fine." Si Shengyao clapped his hand, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a sinister look, "She's just a female star. Dealing with her is as easy as crushing an ant. I don't need to get angry with her. "

He is the president of the Si family, and it only takes one sentence to deal with a female star. He has many ways to make that woman quit in spite of the difficulties.

While the two were talking, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was about to begin.

At this moment, two people came in from the background holding hands. They are about the same height and have the same outstanding appearance and temperament. They look like a pair of sisters, attracting a lot of people's attention.

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