Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2611 Just drag Lin Anxin into the water

After all, Jiang Luoer came prepared. Although she was briefly suppressed by Su Yijiu's aura for a few seconds, she quickly reacted. He said with an ugly face, "I don't know what grudges Auntie has with Aunt Su, but Auntie is a guest I invited, and she is from my side. The Jiang family and the Si family are both shareholders of the Si family, and Mr. Si can bring people Why can’t I attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony? I must ask my aunt to stay with me today!”

There's nothing wrong with what she said.

She did not answer Su Yijiu's question head-on because Park Nanzhu was the mistress. No matter how clean she was, Park Nanzhu was definitely a mistress who interfered in other people's families. Since the identity of the mistress could not be washed away, she simply refused to wash it off and insisted that Park Nanzhu was the guest she invited.

Yes, Si Chen and she are both shareholders, and Si Chen can invite people to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony. In the same way, she can too.

So what if Pu Nanzhu is a mistress, as long as she insists on this, Su Yijiu will swallow this show of power today even if she refuses to swallow it!

Once the mistress enters the room and comes into the light, Su Yijiu's identity as Mrs. Si will cease to exist in name only.

By then, Si Zhihao will also gain more attention, and she can take the opportunity to use the influence of the Jiang family to force Su Yijiu to bow her head and get Si Zhihao into the board of directors. Then step by step, he eroded Si Chen's status as heir...

So for her, today is a very important part, and she must fight this battle well.

Jiang Luoer folded her hands on her chest, calmed down, and counterattacked, "And as far as I know, the woman Mr. Si brought here is not suitable for attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony. She is now surrounded by scandals. If she attends the ribbon-cutting ceremony, it may affect her. The reputation of shopping malls and amusement parks. This project is a big one for the Si Group, and there is no room for it. But Mr. Si brought her here at this time, and he didn't care about the company's reputation. "

Her mouth is really powerful, and every sentence hits the point.

Compared to Park Nam-joo, whose mistress's identity is rarely known, Lin Anxin is much more famous. If the media wants to pay attention, they will definitely pay attention to Lin Anxin.

As for Lin Anxin, because of Lu Zhiang's speculation about CP, he has not been very popular with the public until now.

If Lin Anxin attends the ribbon-cutting ceremony at this time, it is very likely that someone will take the lead and drag the Si Group into trouble.

Si Zhihao raised the corners of his mouth slightly and glanced proudly at Si Chen, who had a slightly cold face, and was in a bright mood.

He thought it would take him a long time to see the man's deflated appearance, but he didn't expect him to see it so soon. It’s so cool~

It seemed that this woman Jiang Luoer had some merits besides her family background. It was not in vain that he had spent so much thought on her and suffered so much anger.

This woman still has some use value.

It's a pity that Lin Anxin...

Si Zhihao stared at Lin Anxin's beautiful face with serious eyes, looking eager to try.

It would be best if Si Chen and Su Yijiu get angry at her when mother and son are frustrated this time. In this way, they can 'comfort' the beauty when she is most injured and vulnerable~

He had already imagined in his mind the image of Lin An, twisting and turning under him, his eyes becoming more and more revealing.

Lin Anxin felt an explicit and disgusting gaze on her, and quickly glanced over there. The other person quickly restrained his eyes, but she still saw Si Zhihao's disgusting face.

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