Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2618 A sweet visit to the supermarket together

Didn't she win?

Si Chen frowned.

She didn't win the endorsement, why would Prada say Lin Anxin is her spokesperson.

Lin Anxin seemed to see what he was thinking and explained, "I didn't win the regional endorsement, but Prada felt that I was very suitable for her personal brand style, so she privately invited me to be the spokesperson of her personal series. Today is completely a Coincidentally, my network is not as wide as you think. I just happened to hear Prada mention this ribbon-cutting event before. When I saw something was wrong, I called her and asked her to do me a favor. It was probably because she came. Enen’s face, it has nothing to do with me.”

She called Prada when she saw Park Nam-joo.

At that time, she called Prada just in case, because she felt that the feeling Park Nanzhu gave to her was too similar to the feeling Si Zhihao gave her, not just in appearance, but in words and deeds.

At that time, she had already suspected that Park Nanzhu was the mistress Su Yijiu had said. She was worried that the other party was evil, so she called Prada as a precaution and asked Prada to help.

Who knew that if she guessed correctly, the other party would be really evil.

The key is that she wants to use her to attack Si Chen as she thought.

It is estimated that Si Zhihao notified Pu Nanzhu as soon as Si Chen pulled her into the car, and Pu Nanzhu encouraged Jiang Luoer again, which led to this incident.

Si Chen looked at her deeply, his dark eyes becoming deeper inch by inch, and said in a hoarse and pleasant voice, "Usually at times like this, women speak modestly and more touchingly, so that men can become more devoted to them."

Lin Anxin touched the bridge of her nose and said with sly eyes, "Really? Oh, it's all my fault for being too honest. I'll remember to speak nicely next time."

She is honest. If she is honest, there will be no honest person. Fortunately, she could still say it without blushing and her heart not beating. But... Si Chen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and actually thought her cheeky look was particularly cute.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Anxin felt goosebumps pop out from his laughter. She rubbed her arms and stood up and said, "I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat in the refrigerator? I'll make a fruit salad." ”

“Are you full from the fruit salad?”

"You're not full? Have you ever seen a female star who's had enough? I'm not a comedian." She walked straight to the refrigerator and opened the door nonchalantly.

She thought the refrigerator must be full of all kinds of ingredients, but she didn't know that when she opened the refrigerator, there wasn't even a hair in it. She turned back in disbelief and asked speechlessly, "Where are the things in your refrigerator? Where did they go? Didn't you let anyone buy them?"

He built such a big refrigerator, but there wasn't even a single onion in it. Why did he keep it open? It was a waste of electricity.

Si Chen walked up to her and said, "I usually either go on business trips or socialize outside. The rest of the time I spend with you, at your place. So I never let anyone buy it."

The corner of Lin Anxin's mouth twitched, but she was still depressed, "No, well, their family, Mr. Li, always has someone filling the refrigerator full even if it is not in use, so as not to find things when they are needed. This is the only way to have The lifestyle that a wealthy person should have.”

"I don't need it, I have no money, I only have you. I rely on you to support me." Si Chen had a smile on his face, so flirtatious that he was a shameless person.

Lin Anxin, "..."

After picking it up, he put it away, took Lin Anxin's hand, put it into his pocket, and said leisurely and naturally, "There is a supermarket outside, let's go, let's buy whatever you want to eat together."

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