Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2621 It turns out to be first love

Si Chen watched her back. Lin Anxin didn't even ask him. He took the initiative and said, "I dated her for a while, and she was my first love."

"Huh?" Lin Anxin turned around, confused.

Why was he telling her this? She didn't ask. Could it be that he was afraid of her misunderstanding and took the initiative to confess his love history to her?

It feels unnecessary, no one clicked it.

In particular, the love story of the famous Mr. Si was probably enough for her to listen to for three days and three nights. She wasn't interested at all.

"She is special." Si Chen seemed to hear her voice. Pushing the cart, he held Lin Anxin's hand and continued to select the salmon he had just selected, "Our two families are neighbors, and my parents are also good friends. So I have often played with her since I was a child. She is three years older than me. . She has been the type of child her parents describe her as. She is cute, well-behaved and good at playing the piano. Almost all the boys in the neighborhood like her, but I dare not say that I have always liked her. As a neighbor's brother, he silently protects her. "

Wow, I didn’t expect that a veteran in love would have an innocent young side.

Lin Anxin became interested, "What next."

"Then one time she fell out of love, and I helped her teach that scumbag a lesson. She suddenly told me that she wanted to try being with me."

"Pie from the sky. Boy, were you crazy with joy?" Lin Anxin bumped into him with a smile.

Si Chen was so angry at her reaction that he almost stopped breathing again. The melancholy that he still had some memories of was gone, "Aren't you happy to be accepted by the person you like?"

"I'm so happy. If Ronaldo confesses his love to me, I'll fly to heaven in a minute."

Si Chen clenched his teeth and said, "You are dreaming!"

Lin Anxin's wrists hurt from his pinching, and she admitted her mistake speechlessly, "Go on, go on, pretend I didn't say anything."

Si Chen loosened his grip a little to avoid pinching her, and said calmly, "There was nothing behind it. She dumped me within half a month of dating and got back with that man. Then she went abroad."

He said it easily, but Lin Anxin heard a lot of stories in it. She imagined how the infatuated boy went from being surprised to being disappointed, and then she contacted him with a careless attitude toward feelings. She guessed that he must have been deeply affected at that time. Big blow. So much so that his view of emotions was subverted.

Si Chen didn't tell her this just to tell her a story. After he briefly told her about the past with An Ran, he directly grasped Lin Anxin's wrist, squinted his eyes, looked directly into her eyes, and said seriously, "I once I liked her very much, and she was indeed my first love. But now the person I like is you. These two kinds of likes are different, don’t get me wrong.”

In the past, he liked An Ran, an outstanding young lady from his neighbor who was older than him. It was an ignorant thing that he liked as a young man.

He likes Lin Anxin now because he has gone through life changes and finally understood what he wants.

Although equally precious.

But in real comparison, of course she is the most precious!

Lin Anxin understood what he meant and blinked, "Are you confessing to me?"

"..." Is this what she focuses on?

Lin Anxin grabbed his hand before him and changed the subject, "I know, I'm starving. Buy whatever you want as soon as possible. After shopping, I'm going to eat my fruit salad."

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