Li Beijue seemed to see what she was worried about. He rubbed her raised eyebrows with his fingertips and touched her thin lips, "Don't worry, the person Si Chen likes is Lin Anxin. He will protect good people."

"I hope so. After all, my first love is not someone else. It means different things to people. I'm still a little worried. What if An Ran really comes back to find Si Chen? Will he be shaken?"

Li Beijue glanced at her and stared at her open and tender lips. His Adam's apple rolled slightly and he said hoarsely, "It's different, but it's not as different as you think."

"Li Beijue, your first love..."

Before she could finish her words, the man suddenly bit her on the corner of her mouth, "It's you."

"It's you from beginning to end!"

Li Beijue's thin lips covered hers, and he flexibly pried open her lips and teeth, entangled her lilac tongue, and absorbed every inch of her sweetness...

He never thought he would fall in love with someone, but when he found out, he had already fallen in love with her. Then there is love, the obsession of love, which can only want her.

So there is no one else.

She was the only one in his life from beginning to end.

Not far away, Chi Baobao quickly covered the eyes of the little girl next to him and calmly turned his head to the side to look at the scenery.

"Brother Guo Guo, why are you covering my eyes~" The cute little girl with bunny ears on her head was holding a box of popcorn in her hands and eating it deliciously. She asked softly and cutely when she was suddenly pulled by her brother and covered her eyes.

"Stop talking and eat your food. Let's go after I tell you to leave." Chi Baobao covered her head tightly to make sure she couldn't see. "No peeking! If I catch you peeking, I will Confiscate the popcorn in your hand."

Nuonuo blinked her big watery eyes, wondering why they were standing here, and her brother even covered her eyes to prevent her from leaving. But she understood that Chi Baobao wanted to confiscate her 'lifeblood'. She immediately put the popcorn into her arms. However, the little girl's figure is still full of milk, and her belly is round and cannot hide anything at all. She suddenly reacted so nimbly and ducked, and a lot of the popcorn in her arms was knocked out by her belly.


She immediately cried out in pain and squatted down to pick it up.

"Li Enuo!" Chi Baobao shouted.

The little girl stretched her hand halfway and was about to touch the popcorn that fell on the ground. She immediately stood up aggrievedly, pointed at the popcorn scattered on the ground with a painful look on her face, and said to her brother bitterly, "Brother." Pot, Nono’s popcorn fell~”

"If it falls, it falls."

"But Nono wants to eat." She was even more pitiful, her big watery eyes were like those of a deer, bulingbulingly sending cute rays to her brother's pot.

Unfortunately, it was all blocked by Chi Baobao's iron wall. He ruthlessly rejected her plea, "You can't pick up what fell on the ground. Who told you not to pick it up properly?"

"It's obviously my brother's pot..." It was obviously my brother's pot that scared her, so she dropped it.

The little girl wanted to accuse her brother, but when faced with Chi Baobao's coercion, she pouted in grievance and suppressed all the accusations. He suppressed his face until he turned red before he choked out a moan, "Brother is bad, brother is bad, brother is bad, bad is bad!"

Chi Baobao thought she was going to say something, but ended up muttering this in a low voice. He didn't dare to mutter loudly, he lowered his head and cursed in a low voice. Infuriating and funny. He took out a lollipop from his arms and handed it to the angry little guy, "Who is bad?"

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