Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2629 President Li, do you want to cooperate with me?

"What do you want to do with me?" Li Beijue didn't have much nonsense to talk to him. He went straight to the point, simple and rude!

Os had played against him several times and gradually figured out his style of doing things. He stopped talking nonsense and said directly, "I have received the 'gift' given to me by Mr. Li. It is indeed a great gift. I will Not talking so much nonsense, I came to you today just to ask Mr. Li if he wants to cooperate with me. "

Cooperate with him...

Os changed his posture and continued, "Mr. Li can think about it. We all need to cooperate now. You need someone to help you deal with the forces on the dark web. And I need someone to help me stabilize my position in the Os Group. status. Our cooperation is beneficial to both parties and is a win-win good thing.”

He paused and added, "Besides, the two of us are still relatives."

Li Qiyun is Li Beijue's cousin, so theoretically she is Li Beijue's brother-in-law.

It's okay that he didn't mention this. When he mentioned this, Li Beijue's dark eyes flashed with a trace of cruelty. He glanced at his face and touched his thin lips, "Don't think about it, I refuse!"

Aos didn't expect that he would reject her without even thinking about it. He frowned and asked, "What do you mean? Do you think that illegitimate child can bring you more benefits than me?"

"I don't need him to bring benefits." Li Beijue interrupted him in a deep voice and said coldly, "I just need him to cut off the cooperative relationship between you and that man."

Os narrowed his eyes, "..."

"That accident in Mauritius, do you think I will let you go easily?" Li Beijue told him more clearly.

Aos was not a fool and understood what he meant, "You mean those two times before were not considered your revenge?"

When he came back from Mauritius, he first teamed up with Jin Zhiyuan's family to make a stumbling block for him, causing the group to lose a big deal.

Later, he cooperated with Quan Dongting, which not only cost him billions in large projects, but also almost sent him to prison.

These are not considered revenge in his eyes.

"Of course not. I will tell you what you did wrong in the first place. I have warned you not to touch Chi Enen. Chi Enen is my bottom line!"

It's because he insists on testing his bottom line.

Now I came to him to talk about cooperation.


He didn't kill him, just to kill the chicken to show the monkey!

A 'chicken' destined to be crushed to death by him, why should he cooperate?

Os was silent.

He heard Li Beijue remind him at that time, but at that time how did he know that Li Beijue would be so ruthless for a woman.

If he had known earlier...

Aos frowned. So what if he knew it at first, he had no choice. If he doesn't move Chi Enen, Wesley will move Li Qiyun.

He has no choice.

"Mr. Li, do you mean that we can't cooperate?"

"What do you think?"

Aos shrugged his shoulders and said with a serious expression, "I think one more friend is better than one more enemy."

"I have no need of friends and no shortage of enemies!"

He is already an enemy of the entire dark network, is he still lacking enemies?

The game has already begun, it can't end just by saying it's over.

Aos understood clearly that he would not be able to achieve his goal today. He is a person who knows how to advance and retreat. Since Li Beijue's attitude has been so clear, there is no point in continuing to entangle him. He suppressed the smile on his lips and his eyes became sharp, "Since Mr. Li insists on being my enemy, then next time we meet, we will have to fight each other."

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