Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2631 Suddenly I feel that you are no longer a turtle

The tall man walked towards her.

Many people around looked at them, mainly because Li Beijue's appearance and aura were so attractive, like a walking luminous body.

He was tall and had long legs, and he walked to Chi Enen in a few steps.

Chi Enen held the telescope and admired the scenery of the entire W City. Suddenly she stopped, turned around and pulled him over excitedly, "Li Beijue, look, you can see Li's headquarters from here. You can also see the old house. there."

"Yeah." He glanced briefly, showing no interest.

The building height of Li's headquarters is not much lower than this observation deck. His office is on the 88th floor and has a large 360° panoramic floor-to-ceiling window. As long as you use a telescope, the effect is no different from what you see here.

He was tired of seeing this scenery and just cooperated with her.

"Well enough."

Chi Enen also thought of his super luxurious office, and felt embarrassed thinking that he might have been accustomed to such scenery. Noticing the irritability floating in his brows, she pursed her lips and asked him, "Li Beijue, has something happened?"


"Did you go somewhere else instead of the restroom at the amusement park?" She suddenly asked, making Li Beijue raise a brow.

How does she know?

With Chi Jingchen's vigilance, he would never tell her the truth.

Chi Enen, "Because of Chi Baobao's expression. He looked very nervous when you were not around."

If Li Beijue just went to the bathroom, Chi Baobei looked serious and nervous.

It can be seen that the possibility of him going to the bathroom is very small. It is very likely that someone came to find him.

"And when you came back, your expression looked very irritable. You are still irritable now." Chi Enen held his hand, raised his head and asked him, "What happened, can I know? "

Li Beijue could feel the warmth of her soft little hands covering the back of his hands. That kind of warmth made him unable to help but stare at her face, his eyes darkening inch by inch.

Finally, he stared at her with a hoarse voice and said, "Chi Enen."

"Huh?" She hadn't realized the danger yet.

"I suddenly feel that you are no longer a turtle."

"..." What and what.

Li Beijue held her hand with his backhand, and his eyes darkened completely, bottomless, "You are air."

He pulled hard and pulled the person into his arms. Strong arms immediately clasped the little woman's waist, preventing her from having a chance to retreat. He lowered his head and approached. The two of them were breathing entangled. He uttered the last words in a low and hoarse voice, "I can't live without you."

I suddenly feel that you are no longer a turtle. You are the air! Can't live without you!

Chi Enen's mind went blank. His soft thin lips had already covered them. At first it was gentle friction, and then he pried open her lips and teeth, tempting her to immerse herself in his dominance...

"Wow, look at that couple kissing."

"What's so cool about kissing?"

"Look, it's really good-looking. The guy is so handsome, and the girl is pretty too. It's like an idol drama."

"Um, is it that exaggerated?"

"You'll know when you see it!"

Many people looked in Li Beijue's direction.

There were quite a few couples kissing on the observation deck, but they still managed to attract a lot of attention. Others took out their mobile phones, clicked a few photos on their side, and posted on Weibo.

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