Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2643 Consciously helping Mr. Li keep secrets

As an uncle, apart from Mr. Li, the second person he felt sorry for was Li Beijue.

It can be said that Li Beijue was raised by Mr. Li, and his affection for the old man is evident. He had no face to face them.

"It has nothing to do with the second uncle." Li Beijue half-closed his eyes and comforted him lightly.

Li Nantian knew that he was trying to comfort himself. He pursed his thin lips and didn't know what to say. "Don't worry too much. The doctor said they did cell screening just in case. It's not that they suspected the old man of anything." . "We have to think in the best direction."

"I know."

Li Nantian looked at his stern handsome face and knew that he didn't listen at all. He sighed helplessly and said, "I will go back to the company first. There is still work to be done in the company. Come back after I finish handling the matter."

"Yes." Li Beijue still looked calm.

Li Nantian also felt heavy, patted his shoulder and left first.

When he walked away, Chi Enen held the man's cold hand, frowned and asked, "Why are your hands so cold? How about we go back first and you put on some clothes."


Chi Enen knew he was going to refuse, so she held his hand and kept rubbing it to generate heat, while saying, "It just so happened that Nono was about to wake up, so I brought her over to stay with grandpa. Nono is here." , Grandpa will be in a much better mood. Once a person is in a good mood, his health will also be better. "

Li Beijue turned his head, looked at her, and suddenly asked, "Where did you go for the two or three hours in the afternoon?"

Originally, he installed a positioning system on her mobile phone, and he could find out where she was by checking the location of her mobile phone. But because she was riding in an old man's car, which was equipped with the world's latest signal blocking system, it was impossible to track their location by tracking mobile phone signals.

The old housekeeper didn't expect that he was still thinking about this matter, and subconsciously glanced at Chi Enen nervously.

The young master is so stubborn, the young lady will not tell the young master that they went to the cemetery.

The old lord has never told the second young master and the young master about the existence of the cemetery for decades. If the young lady lets it slip, the old lord may be angry...

He couldn't help but become anxious.

Surprisingly, Chi Enen didn't say anything. She was just stunned for a moment when Li Beijue asked, and then said, "I didn't go anywhere. I just went outside for a walk. Then I had something to eat with my grandpa. We Just came back."

"Why did the good old man suddenly want to go out for a walk?" Li Beijue could see that she was not telling the truth.

Chi Enen said, "Maybe grandpa has been lying in the hospital and wants to move around and breathe some fresh air."

"I want to hear the truth." He looked into her eyes with deep eyes.

Chi Enen bit her lip, was silent for a moment and shook her head firmly towards him, "Sorry, Li Beijue, I can't say. That's grandpa's secret, and I have an obligation to keep it secret for grandpa. I can only tell you this, Grandpa went out for a walk, but I can’t tell you where he went.”

In that lonely cemetery, the girl with a bright smile on the tombstone and the old man showed such a fragile and sad look for the first time...

Although the old man never asked her to keep it secret from beginning to end, she still felt that it was a secret belonging to Mr. Li.

She didn't know why the old man took her there, she only knew that she needed to keep this secret for him.

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