Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2648 I didn’t expect there was a third person in the office

Lin Anxin lowered the brim of her hat, listened to a few gossips, and walked to the CEO's office in a low-key manner.

She is not interested in gossip in these circles. After all, she is the center of gossip. She has been gossiped about so much that she has no interest in gossiping about others.

She had been to Lu Zhiang's office once before. This time she didn't have to find the way at all and walked to the office with ease. He raised his hand and knocked on the office door.

"Knock knock."

"Come in."

It was Lu Zhiang's voice.

Lin Anxin was still a little dazed when she heard the voice. She always felt that the owner of the voice was different from the young man she remembered watching the stars, drinking beer and singing together.

She put away the slight sense of gap, pushed the door open, and said as she entered, "Excuse me, Mr. Lu."

Lu Zhiang was sitting behind the large desk.

Lin Anxin didn't look at him and went straight to the topic, "Mr. Lu, I just want to tell you about the movie that day. I've thought about it carefully, but I still don't suit Director Lei's script. You don't have to help me. The script has been left until the end of the month, let Director Lei find an actor more suitable for this role.”

"Are you sure you won't think about it again?" Lu Zhiang raised his brows and looked at her with his dark eyes, as if there were stars and a sea deep in his eyes.

Lin Anxin didn't notice his look, but another person in the office did and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I'm sure." Lin Anxin's attitude was very firm.

Lu Zhiang's frown slowly relaxed, and he pursed his lips and said, "Now that you have considered it, I respect your choice. I will continue to help you pay attention to good scripts. If I see a suitable script, I will tell you." "

This doesn't seem like much, but it sounds a bit ambiguous.

"..." Lin Anxin didn't know how to answer.

Lu Zhiang knew very well what it means to stop when appropriate. He could see that Lin Anxin was uncomfortable. Although his starry eyes were full of nostalgia, his rose-colored thin lips pursed and said, "I know, I will tell Director Lei, you Go out first."

"Thanks, Mr. Lu." Lin Anxin breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to go out.

At this moment, the person sitting on the inconspicuous sofa in the corner of the office also stood up and said to Lu Zhiang, "Mr. Lu, I have also gone out to complete the entry procedures."

"Ms. Lin, let's go out together."

Only then did Lin Anxin notice that there was a third person in the office, and she also knew this person, the first love she met in the supermarket with Si Chen before.

Damn it.

Why is she here?

An Ran had already walked up to her and greeted her with a smile, "Ms. Lin, we meet again."

"Haha." For her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, who was still his first love, Lin Anxin didn't think it was necessary for her to be fake with An Ran.

An Ran was not angry because of Lin Anxin's cold attitude towards her, but shamelessly followed Lin Anxin out.

As soon as she left the office, Lin Anxin didn't waste a second and told her directly, "Sorry, I have something else to do, so I'll go ahead."

After she finished speaking, she left without waiting for An Ran's reaction.

An Ran's eyes flickered, and he suddenly called out to her, "Wait, Miss Lin."

Lin Anxin paused, but didn't look back.

An Ran didn't expect that the other party would be so disrespectful to her. She raised the corner of her mouth and said calmly, "I didn't expect that Si Chen would be interested in someone like Miss Lin now. His taste is really getting more and more sophisticated."

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