Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2663 An Xin, something big happened

As one of the protagonists of the incident, Lin Anxin was completely unaware of the turmoil outside. She finally persuaded Shanni to help her handle the contract termination despite Shanni's vicious curses. As soon as the front foot returned to the small apartment and took a shower, the back foot got a call from Shanni.

While holding her hair with a towel, she bent down to pick up the mobile phone on the bed, clamped it to her ear, and wiped her wet long hair with a relaxed expression, "Hey, my sister Shanni, don't call me at night to tell me You changed your mind again and want to scold me again."

Shanni was anxious to call her, but when she heard her joking voice, she didn't know whether to be angry or laugh, "You think you can make money by scolding me? It's not because you are always angry with me that I can't bear it." Keep talking about you."

"Yes, yes, I'm thick-skinned. As long as you're not angry, you can say whatever you want. Hee hee." After she finished joking, she got to the point, "By the way, you didn't call me to scold me for not kissing you so late. My husband is tired of being together, why are you calling me?”

Only then did Shani remember the business and her voice deepened, "An Xin, something happened."

"Something happened? What happened?" She hasn't had any activities or movies recently, so no one will take advantage of her.

Shanni said in a serious tone, "Something really happened! Read the news online first, and you will know after reading it."

"Wait for me, I'll turn on the computer."

Lin Anxin put down the towel on her head and walked to the study.

Her notebook is in the study.

Because she only had a small apartment, the study was right next to the bedroom, and it was only a few steps away. She quickly opened her laptop, found a large portal as Shanni said, and refreshed the latest hot news. The first one shows an entertainment scandal that is very popular on the Internet.

The target was none other than someone who called her in the afternoon and said he was going to a party with friends.

She quickly clicked on the web page and browsed through the news, her eyes fixed on the picture above - in the night, An Ran fell into the arms of a noble and handsome man, with her hands embracing the man's waist, as close as a pair of lovers.

She is an actress, and she knows very well which photos can be faked by paparazzi and which photos cannot be faked.

Photos like the ones in this news article are absolutely impossible to fake!

The hug between the two can be borrowed, but An Ran's hands around Si Chen's waist cannot be borrowed - it can only mean that the two people are really hugging each other!

Lin Anxin frowned.

She believed there must be something fishy in it, but no one would be happy if they saw this kind of photo.

Shanni on the other end of the phone simply told her the matter, "The Internet is very popular now. Someone must have taken the opportunity to hack you behind your back. I just checked with an acquaintance, and Lu Qinglian and Linna Both sides have bought in to say bad things about you and deliberately steer public opinion against you. If Lu Zhiang hadn't suddenly stood up, you would have been in trouble this time..."

As time went by, most people actually forgot about that statement. However, as soon as this incident came out, her enemy continued to sell some heat and immediately revealed the statement incident that almost ruined Lin Anxin's career. If the popularity really rises, her comeback plan may have to be postponed again.

There are endless newcomers in the entertainment industry, and there is no shortage of those with potential and background.

No matter how well you performed before and how outstanding your results were, if you don't appear in the audience's sight for a long time, the audience will forget about you.

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