Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2665 I cherish it so much that I can’t bear to drink it

"Sister Shanni, I'm in a hurry here. I'll call you back later."

"What could be more urgent for you than me telling you now? You stinky girl, hurry up and make a decision for me!" Shanni scolded angrily.

Every second that passed now, the ants on her heart seemed to be spinning around in circles again, making her anxious to death.

She held the phone and really didn't know how to tell Shanni that there was someone waiting outside her door. She could only say in a hurry, "Sister Shanni, I'll call you back later, that's all."

"You dare to hang up on me and you'll be dead!" Shanni was so angry that she was so angry that she was still careless after all this time.

"I'm going to die now. Sister Shanni, I really can't survive. Just wait for me, I'll hang up first."

"Hey, hey..."

Lin An felt relieved, hung up the phone, silenced the phone and threw it on the bed. After hesitating for a moment, he adjusted his pajamas and walked out of the bedroom.

She walked through the living room to the entrance door, and through the video phone at the door, she saw someone standing at the door.

Who was Lu Zhiang who called her before?

He looked like he had just come out of the company. He was still wearing his shirt and had a rare cigarette in his hand. He looked so depressed that she had never seen before.

Annan had said before that Lu Zhiang didn't smoke and rarely drank, because both of these things could easily irritate his throat. He loved music very much, so he cherished his voice very much. Even spicy food is rarely eaten.

but now……

Lin Anxin glanced at the cigarette butts scattered on the ground and didn't know what to say.

She took a deep breath and opened the door——

Probably hearing the movement at the door, the man who was lowering his head to smoke raised his head. The handsome face between a big boy and a man gradually became calmer with the endless events in the past few months. The only thing that hasn't changed is probably the pair of black eyes that are more urging than Xinghe.

Lin Anxin opened the door, glanced at him, and said calmly, without saying anything about his smoking, "Come in first."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked back...

The person at the door hesitated for a few seconds, dropped the cigarette in his fingers, crushed it out with his leather shoe, and followed her into the living room.

Lin Anxin fiddled in the kitchen for a while, then walked up to him with a cup and handed him the water cup in her hand, "Hey, let's drink some water first."

Lu Zhiang's handsome face was complicated, and he paused for a second to take the water glass she handed over. He silently lowered his head and took a sip. When the sweetness of honey came to his lips and teeth, he looked stunned for a moment, raised his head, and took a deep look at Lin Anxin. As if he cherished the water and was reluctant to drink it, he took a few sips forbearingly, then held the cup and said in a hoarse voice, "Have you read the news on the Internet?"

"I just saw it." When Lin Anxin saw that he stopped drinking and didn't return the cup to her, she was too embarrassed to ask him for it, so she had to forget it, "Did you come to me for this?"

"Yes." Lu Zhiang held the cup in one hand, frowned, and said seriously, "How do you want to deal with it? Leave it to the public relations department or should I help you?"

Lin Anxin didn't expect that he really came to her for this matter. It stands to reason that Lu Zhiang is now the CEO of Xinghao. There is no need for him to do such small things personally. He can just leave them to the people below to do it. But he came to her door specifically to find her. No one would believe him if he said it was purely from a business perspective.

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