Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2667 Another collision! Another collision!

Lin Anxin was completely confused by his request, but she reacted quickly. She blinked and said, "This cup is nothing special. It's just a cheap one I bought online. It costs ten yuan and includes shipping. If you like it, I can send you the link."

"No, I just want this cup."



She really couldn't figure out what was so special about her cup, but since Lu Zhiang asked her for it twice, she felt embarrassed not to give it to him, "Okay, if you don't mind, you can use it."

"Thank you." Lu Zhiang held the cup as if he was holding something precious. He looked at her for the last time and said with restraint, "You should go to bed early. It's already late."

"Okay, I'll take you out."

He came to her house in the middle of the night for his own business. She should take him out.

Lu Zhiang didn't ask her to take him out, "I can go down by myself. You don't have to worry about me."


Lin Anxin watched him go out and closed the door to the entrance.

After sending Lu Zhiang away, she thought about it and quickly called Shanni back to tell her that she had handed the scandal over to the company's public relations department.

As for the termination of the contract she had decided to do before, it might take a few more months.

Originally, she didn't want Xinghao to solve this matter, but she didn't want Si Chen to solve it even more. How could she tell Si Chen?

Ask him if the scandal was true?

Or ask him if the hug between him and his first love was real?

In fact, it didn't matter to ask these questions. What she couldn't say the most was that she didn't want Si Chen to help her in her career. She didn't ask Si Chen to help her with anything. When facing his family and friends, she still had the confidence to get along with them on an equal footing. Once he helped her in her career or financially, she might not be able to get along with him and the people around him in an equal manner in the future.

Not letting Si Chen help was her bottom line and principle!

But this matter did come too suddenly, and it was impossible for her to solve it alone at the moment. Lu Zhiang came to find her, and she realized that if she delayed any further, Lu Zhiang might be implicated, so she had to choose Xinghao Company to solve this emergency.

The phone beeped twice and she picked it up. Lin Anxin walked towards the study holding the phone, saying as she walked, "Hello, Sister Shanni, you asked me that just now, I have called the company..."


In the small apartment, Lin Anxin was busy with this breaking news.

Downstairs in the apartment, it was a world of ice and fire!

When Lu Zhiang came out of her small apartment, he just bumped into Si Chen who came back from outside. The two men stopped almost at the same time, and their sharp eyes fell on each other!

Si Chen narrowed his eyes first, and his eyes slid down from Lu Zhiang's face and fell on the glass in his hand.

That cup!

Although it was just a simple glass, he recognized it at a glance. The cup belonged to Lin Anxin!

Lin Anxin has a habit of making a small mark on her belongings. Usually it is an inconspicuous sticker or something like that.

There is a small sun sticker on the side of the cup in Lu Zhiang's hand. It is a small detail that you won't notice if you don't pay attention, but he is a detail control and there is no way he would miss that detail!

Lu Zhiang is holding this mug, which means he just came out from Lin Anxin——

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