Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2669: Turning Grief and Anger into Appetite

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Si Chen watched him leave with serious eyes, and waited until he was far away before opening the browser on his phone and scanning the gossip on it.

Each one felt like a stab in his chest.

He called his secretary with a cold face. As soon as the phone was connected, he immediately ordered in a low voice, "Let the people in the public relations department deal with the online news. I want the results before tomorrow morning!"

"Uh, Mr. Secretary, what news are you talking about?" The secretary was about to go to sleep at this point, but was suddenly woken up by his cell phone. He was completely confused by such a lackluster order.

"Look online for yourself!" Si Shen explained to him in a mood, and hung up the phone after saying that, regardless of how busy the secretary and people in the public relations department were today.

As soon as he hung up the phone, the phone on the other end rang.

He glanced at the caller ID before entering the elevator. His handsome face became even colder. He was silent for a moment, and then declined to answer the call.

The caller was extremely persistent. After he hung up, the person called two more times. Si Shen refused them all without exception.

The person on the other end probably felt that he would not answer his call today. After making three calls and all being hung up, the phone stopped.

"Ding——" The elevator reached Lin An's home floor.

Si Chen put the silent cell phone into his pocket, stepped out of the elevator and walked to the door of the apartment.

He was in no hurry to get in.

I don’t know why I stood at the door for a full ten minutes before I mustered up the courage to take out the key and open the door...

The cozy little apartment was quiet, as if no one was there.

He changed his shoes and walked from the entrance to the living room without seeing the person he wanted to see. He walked all the way to the kitchen, smelled the fragrance of noodles, and saw a little woman in pajamas casually pulling up her hair and holding a bowl of steaming rice. Freshly baked noodles came out of the kitchen.

Si Chen didn't know why he suddenly hesitated, his thin lips pursed tightly, and he didn't know why he felt like he didn't dare to get close.

Lin Anxin didn't show anything special. He walked straight to the small dining table and sat down, holding the hot noodles as if he hadn't seen him, and started eating happily.

She didn't look like a female star on TV at all. She ate noodles naturally and casually, and smacked her mouth from time to time without even making a tsk-tsk sound.

Emma, ​​no wonder so many people on the Internet like to talk about turning grief and anger into appetite!

Overeating when you’re in a bad mood feels so good!

She has been on a diet recently to stay in shape for her comeback, and she hasn't felt so good at night for a long time. Sure enough, a bowl of noodles in the middle of the night is better than a living god~

The more she ate, the more she ate, her eyebrows curled up as she ate, and others couldn't tell that she was in a bad mood. Those who didn't know it would have thought that she was in a good mood, that's why she acted so heartless and unresponsive.

Si Chen knew that she hardly ate at night, so he ignored her when he saw her. He picked up a bowl of noodles and sat there to eat quietly. His chest felt even more stuffy, as if he had been punched and moved. I moved my thin lips, but I didn’t know where to start explaining.

"Don't worry, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, his cell phone rang.

Lin Anxin put down her chopsticks and looked at him sideways, as if she was waiting for him to answer the phone.

The phone was still ringing, and Si Chen's temples tensed up. He took out the phone and looked down. It was actually the same caller ID he didn't answer before - An Ran!

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