Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2674 The school teacher called

"That's it." Chi Enen accepted her theory that watermelon produces honey. How could watermelon produce honey, unless it was a cup of watermelon juice disguised as honey water.

Chi Enen didn't tell her that in fact, the sweet-looking little girl often behaved unexpectedly. In the words of her Chi Baobao, she often pretended to be a pig and eat the tiger!

Of course, that's not what Chi Baobao said.

Chi Baobao’s original words are ‘a pig-like face but a bright heart’.

Chi Enen automatically understood it as pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

"Okay, it's getting late, don't worry, let's go have dinner. It's been a long time since we had dinner together." Chi Enen looked down at the time on his wrist and said proactively.

Lin Anxin also checked her phone and realized that it was already twelve o'clock. She picked up the bag next to her, stood up and asked the waiter to pay the bill, and said, "Let's go, I'm hungry too. It seems that I really can't eat at night. The more I eat, the more likely I will be hungry during the day."

The two of them paid the bill, found a hot pot restaurant nearby, and had a hearty meal of Haidilao.

Lin Anxin had a special status, and Chi Enen was worried that she would be recognized, so she booked a private room to make it easier for them to enjoy a meal.

After dinner, her agent called and urged her to try on clothes. Lin Anxin said goodbye to Chi Enen in depression, and the two separated.

Chi Enen has been worried about her since last night. After seeing her today and knowing that she was fine, he felt a lot more relaxed.

After leaving Lin Anxin, she walked to the hospital easily...

As soon as I walked to the door of the hospital, I got a call from my baby's homeroom teacher.


"Hey, are you the parent of classmate Chi Jingchen? Please come to school now. Classmate Chi Jingchen got into a fight with someone."

This voice is indeed the voice of the head teacher of Chi Baobao School.

Chi Enen's heart skipped a beat, not believing that Chi Baobao would fight with others. But all the school teachers called, and she had to believe it, "Sorry, I'll be right over. Just wait for me for ten minutes."

"Okay, don't worry, we'll wait for you."

"OK Bye Bye."


Chi Enen hung up the phone and originally wanted to call someone to say something. After the call was dialed, she hung up again and decided to go to the school first to see what was going on.

Chi Enen didn't drive very fast, so he drove all the way to the school and went straight to the school's Academic Affairs Office.

At this time, other students were in class, and there was only the sound of reading loudly in the school.

Chi Enen walked very quickly because he was anxious. He almost trotted to the door of the Academic Affairs Office and pushed the door open. "I'm sorry, I'm Chi Jingchen's parent. I'm late."

She immediately searched the crowd in the office, and at a glance she saw the young man standing stubbornly with his lips pursed in the crowd.

Chi Enen immediately walked over, checked, and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure there were no wounds on his body.

Phew, it’s okay~

She had been worried about him getting hurt on the road, but luckily he wasn't hurt.

"Ahem. Are you Chi Jingchen's parent?"

Her behavior made some people in the Academic Affairs Office unhappy.

Normally, when parents rush over after receiving a call, they will immediately blame their children. How come she doesn’t know how to educate her children at all and actually cares about whether her children are injured first? Doesn’t this encourage the child’s arrogance?

"I am, hello teacher." The reason why Chi Enen didn't ask Chi Baobao why he fought with others or blame him first was because she knew her son. She knew very well that her Chi Baobao was not a child who bullied others casually. Her baby is so precocious and sensible. If he really gets into a fight, there must be a reason that she doesn't know about.

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