Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2680: Education is still needed for mistakes

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Compared with the gloom and gloom of the Academic Affairs Office, people feel relieved.

Chi Enen calmly took Chi Baobao back to his class to put things in order.

The other students in the class had heard about his incident of throwing a flowerpot at the teacher, and when they saw Chi Enen taking him back to the classroom to pack his schoolbag, they all looked worried.

Especially the little girls in the class, they didn't even care that they were still in class. They turned around and whispered to the handsome boy who was packing his schoolbag.

"Hey, Chi Jingchen, are you okay? Why are you packing your schoolbag? Is the school punishing you by going back to school for two days?"

"Your mother... didn't scold you, right?"

"It's obviously Teacher Qiu who is wrong. The school is biased. Teacher Qiu's lectures are terrible. He complains about us all day long. I'm so annoyed with him..."

Chi Baobei didn't answer anyone from beginning to end, with a cold expression on his beautiful handsome face. He packed up his things on his seat in a few seconds, picked up his schoolbag and followed Chi Enen.

There was a commotion in the class.

In particular, several little girls who usually had a crush on him felt something vaguely, and they all looked towards the back door——

"Why is Chi Jingchen gone? He won't be expelled from school, right?"

"No, it's rare to have such a handsome boy in our class. If he stops studying, I will lose the motivation to come to class every day."

"Probably not. Maybe he was just taken back by his mother to 'reflect' for a few days. Isn't this the school's favorite way to punish people?"

They were chattering below, buzzing like mosquitoes, making the teacher on the stage unable to continue teaching.

I could only knock on the desk hard to remind them to shut up and go to class quietly.

Chi Enen heard the anxious whispers of the little girls in the classroom. While silent about Chi Baobao's popularity, she glanced at him, pursed her lips, and left the school first.

After leaving school, she was not in a hurry to go back, but took Chi Baobao to the snack bar opposite the school. After ordering his favorite Bobo chicken and pineapple rice, he sat across from him and looked at him seriously.

She didn't say anything, just looked at him.

In less than three minutes, the little boy who had been sullen and silent finally couldn't stand it anymore. He raised his head and glanced at her stubbornly with his dark eyes. He lowered his head again and apologized to her with buzzing lips, "Woman, I'm sorry. ”

Chi Enen asked him calmly, "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"I know." The boy lowered his head and said in a muffled voice, "No matter what, I shouldn't do anything. The other person is still the teacher."

"Forget it. It's good that you know, and you can never do this again next time." After she finished speaking, seeing that Chi Baobao was in a low mood, she reached out her hand again, touched the boy's head, and said softly, "Let a person realize that There are thousands of wrong ways, and violence is the worst.”

Chi Baobao slowly raised his head. His beautiful face made people fall in love with him. His eyes were like ink, and he nodded solemnly.

His woman was right, he should use a more tactful approach, at least not make it so obvious. The woman he caused was called to the Academic Affairs Office and had a quarrel with someone, and the man broke his arm. It was too easy for him!

If Chi Enen wanted to know what he was thinking, she would definitely pinch his cheeks hard. Her baby is so sinister and cruel!

It's a pity that Chi Enen didn't know what he was thinking. When he heard his muffled apology, he was still a little angry, but his anger disappeared.

Just then, her cell phone rang——

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