He paused, glanced at the frightened man who turned pale, and said without mercy, "Now it seems that the actual situation is not far from the content of the report. At least the principal of Middle School A used his position and power to help his relatives enter This is certain in A!”

"Deputy Director Jiang, when we recruited teachers before, we went through the Ministry of Education's registration, approval and competition. Everything was done in accordance with the rules and regulations. How can you now say that I used my power to improperly support my relatives? "The principal of Middle School A is struggling to his death. He has regretted it now. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

"Oh, as I said just now, the Ministry of Education is only responsible for the written examination. The final decision on who enters the school is the interview results organized by the school. Who knows if there is any behind-the-scenes operation? I will retrieve the original written examination materials when I go back today. Seriously Check to see if there was anything fishy in the written examination. This time, the director gave the order to find out the black sheep in the bureau! You don’t need to tell me why a first-class university has such a third-rate guy from a pheasant university. I will also investigate thoroughly!" He said with dignity, as if he didn't know the unspoken rules in the education circle in advance.

There are endless incidents of principals taking advantage of their positions to support their own relatives, and the general management departments turn a blind eye.

Now that some people have offended people they shouldn't have offended, they must 'open their eyes', and of course they have to cover up their previous 'closed eyes' behavior.

"This time I came down with the director's command. You and the dean of students are temporarily suspended while the Ministry of Education reviews you, waiting for the results of the review. Tomorrow, a new principal will be transferred to temporarily take your place. As for the male teacher involved in the incident , our result is direct dismissal! Other teachers who are aware of this will receive administrative sanctions and record them in their portfolios!”

After he finished speaking, he didn't care that the others looked pale and shaky. He turned his face sideways and smiled like a Maitreya Buddha. He became amiable and asked the man on the sofa respectfully, "Mr. Li, are you satisfied with the result of this treatment?"

"Deputy Director Jiang's work ability is excellent. Now that the matter is settled, I still have something to do, so I will take the first step."

This means I am very satisfied.

He also praised his work ability. From this point of view, his future is promising in the future.

Deputy Director Jiang's happy face turned into a flower. He carefully held the noble man in his arms without leaving any trace, and sent the noble man out of the principal's office first. Then he suppressed the smile on his face, turned around, and looked at the man asking for help as if he were useless. He glanced at the few people who were showing off in the Academic Affairs Office before and snorted coldly, "Huh! Now I know it's too late to admit my mistake. What did you do in the first place? You really thought you were a person. Let me tell you, even the director can only laugh in front of this person! You don't know that this person is the most annoying. Is that the president’s wife?”

Who doesn't know that Mr. Li, the most noble and unprovoked young man in W Country, is a possessive and paranoid man. There is a woman he loves so much that no one can touch or offend her.

Anyone who accidentally offends Miss Chi will regret it!

"I'm going back to report to the director, so you can take care of yourself. This matter is definitely not over yet." Who doesn't know Li Beijue's cruel and cruel methods, it would be too naive for them to think that they are done with it if they lose their jobs. Mr. Li will definitely have punishment waiting for them in the future, until they fully understand what they have done wrong.

The principal couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed on the ground——

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