Too fake.

What a little liar.

She had called him a bad guy with righteous indignation just now, but now she said she liked him the most. Only a devil would believe such lies.

Nuonuo was still waiting for her brother to reply that he liked her the most like Mommy did. After waiting for a long time, he only received a look of contempt from his brother. Suddenly the little mouth pouted angrily again, turned his head, decided to ignore his brother, and hugged his mother's neck, "Mommy, brother's pot is still bad..."

She whispered quietly into Chi Enen's ear. While muttering, she secretly glanced at her brother's pot with her big eyes.

When she found Chi Baobao looking at her, she immediately shrank her neck with guilt and covered her mouth with her chubby hand.

Chi Baobei is such a smart person. Looking at her guilty conscience, you can tell that she is talking bad about herself again. He glanced over with a sharp look and said coolly, "No lollipops allowed tonight."

"Why?" Nono suddenly turned around and clenched his fists in protest, "Brother is bad, brother is bad, brother is bad, bad!"

Chi Baobei didn't pay attention to her weak, chicken-like protest, and ruthlessly suppressed her, "You secretly coaxed the nurse to give you a candy in the hospital this afternoon."

The little girl who was still mumbling in protest about her brother's atrocities suddenly froze, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe why her brother knew about it.

She was so sneaky that her brother discovered her.

My brother is terrible.

"I checked the hospital's surveillance video and saw it. This time, because you only took a piece of candy to eat, I just told you not to eat any more candy tonight. If you are caught by me next time, you will be deducted directly. Your candy for three days!" Chi Baobao was as ruthless as an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Nuonuo had a guilty conscience before, but now she was scolded by her brother, so she could only listen obediently. Although she didn't want to, she still behaved and didn't mess around, "Nono knows, Nono will be good."

Sure enough, Brother Guo is still too scary.

She would have to be more quiet next time.

Chi Baobei didn't know that she was making small calculations in her heart. If you knew that she was making small calculations, she would definitely want to swell her face.

Chi Enen saw the two brothers and sisters fighting, and the little girl suffered another loss. She had no choice but to smooth things over in the middle, "Okay, honey, let's go in."

"Yeah." Chi Baobao temporarily let go of the little guy who stole the food.

Because Nuonuo escaped, she didn't care about the lollipop that was taken away from her at night. In a flash, she became excited again, and went to coax Chi Enen with a smile and sweet words.

"Mommy, Nono misses you so much today. I thought about it while eating and watching cartoons. Hehehe~" That little look is so cute that it makes people's hearts melt.

"I miss Nono too." Chi Enen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and held her in his arms and opened the entrance door.

The little girl has a very high emotional intelligence and picked her up immediately, "Then mommy can pick me up early tomorrow, so Nono and mommy don't have to think about it all the time."

Chi Enen opened the door and coaxed her softly, "But mommy also wants Nono to spend more time with her grandfather. Grandpa is sick and lonely. Only Nono can watch cartoons with him."

As expected, the little girl showed a troubled expression. She lowered her head and thought for a long time, then raised her head and said, "Nonuo will play with Zuzu tomorrow, and Ge Guoxin bought the toy for Nono. Nono is a good baby, a good baby." To share.”

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