Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2690 Sir Alex learned half a month in advance

What's even more deceptive is that he didn't even cut the chicken before putting it in the pot. He just threw the whole chicken into the pot, poured a bottle of red wine into it and started simmering it in the pot.

The final result was red wine chicken that was black with red and red with black. Chi Enen had a stomachache at night and went to the hospital.

Recalling that tragic experience, Chi Enen was still frightened.

Li Beijue's cooking is terrible.

He is not a cook at all!

His expensive hands are not used for cooking. Making money is more suitable for him.

Get a kitchen knife...forget it.

What Chi Enen doesn't understand the most right now is, "Steward Huo, do you know why he suddenly thought of cooking for me?"

What special day is today?

She vaguely thought of something in her mind, but she couldn't be sure for a long time.

Huo Yi lowered his head and answered carefully, "Tomorrow is the young lady's birthday. Lord Hun has canceled tonight's schedule very early. He has already made arrangements to surprise the young lady. If it hadn't been for the afternoon The Lord took some time to deal with the matter. When the young lady comes back, the Lord has finished the work. "

He didn't tell Chi Enen that Li Beijue went to school in the afternoon to vent his anger on her and Chi Baobao, which wasted some time.

Li Beijue didn't let him speak, and he didn't dare to make his own decision.

The corner of Chi Enen's mouth twitched, "I even forgot that tomorrow is my birthday. This birthday gift is such a surprise..."

The surprise frightened her.

Will she spend her birthday tomorrow in the hospital?

Huo Yi couldn't bear to see her look like she had been struck by lightning, so he comforted her in a low voice, "Don't worry, young lady, this time the Lord has learned from someone in advance, and it won't be like last time. The Lord has been learning for half a month. Well, Madam, you can look forward to it.”

Li Beijue secretly prepared this surprise for half a month without telling her?

How did he find time to study when he was so busy recently?

Chi Enen suddenly remembered that he seemed to have returned about an hour later than usual some time ago. And I came back very tired every day and even took a shower.

If Chi Enen hadn't believed that he couldn't have cheated on her, she would have doubted whether he was doing something outside.

Otherwise, I would take a shower before going home every day, which would be weird.

As soon as Huo Yi said that, she immediately understood what was going on.

This man has a mysophobia and needs to take a shower at least once a day. He absolutely cannot stand the fumes and other things.

Chi Enen was surprised and her heart beat twice. She couldn't describe her heart palpitations at this moment. "Well, I'll go change clothes first."

"Okay." Huo Yi watched her go back to the room and went into the kitchen to see if Li Beijue needed help.

Soon, Chi Enen changed her clothes and came out.

She didn't know that Li Beijue had prepared a surprise. In the afternoon, she took Chi Baobao, who was in a bad mood, to eat snacks. She also ate a lot, and she was not hungry yet.

In order to be able to eat later, she took a stomach and digestive tablet in advance while changing her clothes.

When she went out, there was a plate of very beautiful-looking dishes on the dining table.

But Li Beijue hasn't come out yet.

Huo Yi brought out another bowl of emerald white jade soup. "Young madam, you can drink some soup first. The Lord has the last dish left and will come out immediately."

"Okay." Chi Enen picked up the spoon and mustered up the courage to try the taste. Surprisingly, it tasted pretty good.

It's definitely impossible to say it's particularly delicious.

But compared to the whole chicken stewed in red wine last time, the taste is amazing.

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