Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2692 I want Chi Baobao to transfer to another school

It was so delicious that she couldn't believe it was made by someone who couldn't tell the difference between chicken and duck. Beer duck could be made into red wine chicken or a whole chicken.

This is too delicious.

"How does it taste?" Li Beijue kept his eyes on her, his eyes darkening inch by inch, as if he wanted to suck Chi Enen into his eyes.

Chi Enen met his eyes, smiled, and gave a thumbs up, "It's delicious!"

The brows of the man who had been sullen and obviously nervous suddenly relaxed, and a pleasant smile appeared in his eyes. His rose-colored thin lips curled up, and he seemed to be in a good mood, "Nonsense, it doesn't matter who did it. !”

Domineering and arrogant, of course!

Huo Yi glanced at him quietly and decided to take advantage of Chi Enen's inattention to move the steaks in the kitchen trash can that he had failed to cook and dumped angrily, so as not to be discovered by the young lady.

Sir Alex apparently hired a Michelin chef to give him one-on-one lessons every day in order to learn how to cook steak.

He studied hard for half a month because he really had no talent in cooking and tortured the Michelin chef almost crazy. I just barely learned how to fry steak in the simplest way. Despite this, his performance was still unstable, and from time to time he would fail because the steak was too old.

The reason why Sir Alex was still fussing in it for more than half an hour after making the soup just now was because he failed twice.

The portion the young lady is eating now is the third portion made by the Lord.

It is also the only successful one.

Fortunately, he had known this would happen and prepared a few more raw materials. Otherwise, with Sir Alex's unstable cooking skills, he would definitely not be able to eat steak tonight.

Chi Enen frowned, cut the steak on his plate, and pushed the plate to him. Then give him his share and give him a compliment, "It tastes really good. Li Beijue, your skills are enough to open a Western restaurant."

Her caring gestures pleased the man who was already in a good mood. His domineering eagle eyes glanced at Chi Enen and said indifferently, "Oh, I'm afraid they can't afford it."

Can whoever wants to eat the steak he cooks eat it?

Only she can eat it in this world!

Everyone else, just dream!

Only then did Chi Enen realize that he controlled the Li family chaebol and was worth hundreds of billions, so it was impossible for him to open a restaurant. It's true as he said, no one can afford the steak he cooks. Because every minute and every second of his time is extremely valuable. If he were to cook a steak himself, he would have to sell it for at least one million to recoup the cost.

But who would spend a million to eat a steak instead of diamonds?

When Chi Enen thought that the bite she just had might cost 100,000 yuan, she suddenly felt like she couldn't eat anymore. "I just said that what you made was delicious."

"If it tastes good, eat more. If you want to eat later, tell me and I can cook it for you." He treated it too differently. He said before that no one could afford the steak he cooked. When I came to Chi Enen's place, I just said what I wanted to eat, but I just didn't dote on people to the point of my heart.

The corners of Chi Enen's mouth couldn't help but raise, and his mood also improved. While eating steak, she told him what happened at school in the afternoon. Finally, she hesitated and said, "Li Beijue, I want to transfer Baby Chi to Santoni."

She originally wanted to let Chi Baobao study in an ordinary school. The surrounding environment could be more pure and Chi Baobao could be happier.

Now it seems that she is looking at the problem with a bias.

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