While the two people were talking, the shopping guide ladies suddenly exclaimed.

"Look, does she feel uncomfortable somewhere? Why is she holding her chest all the time?"

"Really, your face is so pale."

"What should I do? Call an ambulance now?"

Chi Enen and Jin Zhixuan hurriedly gathered around, and sure enough they saw Han Wenwen's face turned pale. She was holding her chest and heart with one hand, breathing heavily like a dehydrated fish. Her whole body was curled up, as if she was gasping for air. Feeling out of breath.

Jin Zhixuan was startled and quickly stepped forward to support the person and said, "I remember that she seemed to have a heart disease. She went abroad to recuperate her heart before. Could this reaction be a heart attack?"

Chi Enen felt the same and made a decision immediately, "I'll call an ambulance right away!"

She called the emergency number of the hospital and reported their location. They said they would arrive within twenty minutes.

Chi Enen waited for ten minutes and saw that Han Wenwen's condition was getting worse and worse. She gritted her teeth and said to the two helpless shopping guides, "It's too late. I think she may faint at any time. At least the hospital's ambulance will be needed." It will take ten minutes to get here, and we have to drive back to the hospital. It will take at least half an hour. I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on. I'll get in the car, help her down, and I'll take her to the hospital."

"I'll go with you too!" Jin Zhixuan was still very calm.

Han Wenwen suffered a heart attack. If something really happened, the Han family might turn their anger on them. She was the one who called Chi Enen out today. If it weren't for her, Enen wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing. No matter what, she couldn't let Chi Enen bear the consequences alone.


Chi Enen saw what she meant, gave her a soft look, and quickly went out to drive.

Jin Zhixuan, along with several shopping guides, slowly helped the person downstairs.

When they got downstairs, Chi Enen happened to park the car at the door.



Jin Zhixuan and a shopping guide helped the person into the car first. The shopping guide and Han Wenwen sat in the back, while Jin Zhixuan sat in the passenger seat.

"Fasten your seat belts. Please hold on to the lady behind you so she doesn't fall. I'll drive faster later."

"Okay, Mrs. Li, don't worry, I will support Miss Han."

Chi Enen checked Han Wenwen's condition through the rearview mirror, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped towards the hospital——


Half an hour later.

Outside the emergency room of the hospital, people from the Han family arrived one after another.

The first person to arrive was Han Wenwen's mother. When she heard that Han Wenwen was still in the emergency room, she was shaken. Then came Mr. Han. Mr. Han was much calmer than Mrs. Han. Although his face was still anxious, he was at least not as broken as Mrs. Han.

He asked the doctor about the current situation inside, and then asked the shopping guide who followed him to get a rough idea of ​​what was going on in the store.

When he learned that Han Wenwen yelled and pushed people in the store, and finally suffered a heart attack, his expression was as wonderful as a palette. If Han Wenwen hadn't been in the emergency room, he would have wanted to hit her with a cane. The obedient granddaughter has it!

No matter how angry he was, he could only apologize to Chi Enen on Han Wenwen's behalf with an apologetic look, "Miss Chi, it was me who failed to educate Wenwen well. I apologize to you on her behalf. I'm really sorry. I just said it a few days ago. She, I didn’t expect that she hadn’t figured it out yet and came to mess with you, I’m really sorry.”

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