Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2710 At the critical moment, Li Beijue is here

"Because of the existence of your erratic mother, my mother is obviously the upright Mrs. Nishizawa, but others have never known her as the princess's ex-wife. Even my father has always been thinking about that woman! Oh, he doesn't even treat you. Same."

He hated Xize Lie's existence, which made him and his mother extremely embarrassed.

"Do you think I don't know that the reason why my father married my mother was to anger that woman?"

When Nishizawa Lie's mother discovered Nishizawa Hao's existence and knew that Nishizawa Xiong had other women outside, she divorced Nishizawa Xiong forcefully.

Half a year later, she married her former fiancé, Prince Andrei, and became a noble princess.

The legend once caused newspapers and media to rush to report on it.

However, Xi Zexiong has always been resentful of her choice. In order to be angry, he straightened up his lover who had been raised outside. The humble lover suddenly became Mrs. Caesar.

Originally this was something to be proud of.

Just because Nishizawa's mother's life was so legendary, the dazzling light completely obscured the light of the newly appointed Mrs. Nishizawa, casting a huge shadow on the life of mother and son who should have been proud and proud.

Xize Hao has always lived in the shadows.

When I was a child, I lived in the shadow of Nishizawa Lie's mother, and when I grew up, I lived in the shadow of my overly outstanding younger brother.

If Xize Lie hadn't been so stimulated by the death of his cousin in an accidental car accident that he took his niece to Lin City and became a doctor incognito, he would have been unable to bear it long ago.

Originally, everything was fine, and he began to take over the affairs of Nishizawa's family. He never expected that when he started to move towards a better life, the person who ran away from home actually came back!

And his eccentric father actually gave Nishizawa Lie a chance as good as his without hesitation.


Xizehao's eyes were sinister, he stared at him fiercely, and said word by word, "Dear brother, you are the stain in my life, I can't wait to cut out your flesh! So don't worry, even if I treat my brother I am so heartbroken, I will also send you to see God! I know you want to delay, haha, but it’s a pity that I won’t give you another chance!”

Xizawa Hao was just about to raise his men and order them to take action. At this moment, the door of the room was violently kicked open by someone from the outside——

There was a loud bang, and dozens of special elite troops filed in, quickly aiming their machine guns at the people in the room.

"Who are you?" Xize Hao was shocked and angrily asked after being targeted by so many machine guns equipped only for the army.

"Young Master Nishizawa, I advise you not to move around. If your movement range exceeds 60 degrees, the sniper rifle aimed at you from outside will immediately shoot you in the head!" the leader reminded him coldly.

Xize Hao felt as if his acupuncture points had been tapped, his whole body was so stiff that he did not dare to move. His face was green, white, and red, and it was extremely ugly. And because his stiff body movements looked funny and clown-like. He suddenly turned his head viciously, glared at the person on the hospital bed like a poisonous snake, and growled with overwhelming anger, "Xize Lie, okay, you plot against me!"

Isn't his younger brother always good at winning people's hearts? This time, he actually used the lives of several of his men to plot against him. How cruel!

He didn't notice that the man on the hospital bed was as surprised as he was, as if he didn't expect so many people to come in.

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