Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2717 You are not allowed to hang up on me even if you are taking a shower

"I'm really worried about your stomach. You said you're still young, but your stomach is so bad. What will you do when you get old? What should I do?"

Her soft voice sounded in his ears. Li Beijue was a little unhappy at first, but now he was calmed by her gentle voice.

It seemed as if a warm air flowed through his chest, moistening his heart and bringing a soothing warmth.

He walked to the internal phone next to the sofa in the living room, picked up the receiver and called customer service, "Send a Western meal!"

Chi Enen heard his voice through the phone and immediately said, "It's so late, and you didn't eat during the day. Steak is too greasy. Porridge is better, seafood porridge."

Li Beijue frowned and held the receiver, "Forget it, change it to seafood porridge for me. Send it quickly!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the receiver and walked towards the bedroom.

As he walked, he said, "Chi Enen, I'm going to take a shower. Wait for me for ten minutes."

"Uh... I'll hang up first and wait for you."

Li Beijue opened the bathroom door, narrowed his eagle eyes, and was extremely domineering, "Don't hang up! You can keep silent, but you can't hang up."

"But aren't you going to take a shower?" Chi Enen didn't understand.

What's the difference between her not hanging up and hanging up? He was too lazy to bring his phone into the bathroom. It would be even more troublesome if the phone was splashed with water.

"Don't hang up, you can't hang up. You can't hang up even if I'm taking a shower." Li Beijue didn't care whether it was troublesome or not. He just knew that he hadn't heard her voice all day today. Now he finally had time to call her. He wished he could hear her voice all the time. "If you are bored, you can read a book during this time. I will finish the shower as soon as possible. I will send you a video after the shower."

"..."At 2:30 in the middle of the night, what kind of book was she reading!

"Anyway, don't hang up!" He threatened again as if he could read her heart through the phone.

Chi Enen couldn't do anything to him, so she could only lean on the pillow and say, "Okay, I won't hang up. I'll watch the news for a while, you take a shower quickly. Don't worry, take your time, I'll wait for you."


The sound of water splashing rang out from the phone.

Chi Enen leaned against the head of the bed as if she could imagine the scene of him taking a shower.

Damn, why would she think of this.

Can't think about it, can't think about it...

She tried her best to ignore the little discomfort in her heart. In order to divert her attention, she simply closed the call interface and flipped through the entertainment news on the Internet.

The entertainment industry has been very lively recently.

First, there was the news that Lu Qinglian won the new movie heroine of the international director Leo, and then there was the scandal that Lina was kept by someone.

Coincidentally, both of them are artists of Xinghao Entertainment.

One is red and the other is black, forming a sharp contrast.

Compared with the two of them, An Xin's news is much less. Basically, it is street photos encountered by passers-by, and the general title is that An Xin is going to retire and marry into a wealthy family.

Compared to the news that An Xin was attacked a lot in the past few months, there are fewer news reports attacking An Xin recently. I wonder if it is because Si Shao has asked someone to deal with it.

The news that Si Chen met a beautiful woman in the middle of the night and hugged in front of the villa, which was a hot topic a few days ago, has also been suppressed. Now it is basically not found on the Internet.

Instead, there is the official announcement of An Xin's new movie "All About Time".

There is not much news about this movie on the Internet. Chi Enen clicked on one and read the comments below. Basically, the content is still very harmonious, and everyone expressed expectations.

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