Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2719 Others have no obligation to care about you

The heat flowing through his lower abdomen became stronger and stronger, and he could feel that the lower part had become tight. The desire for her was so strong that he almost couldn't control it.

But it can't be touched.

He is now thousands of miles away from her, and there is no way he can want her!

Li Beijue gritted his teeth and resisted the suffocating tension.


Why wasn't it enough to be by her side every day?

It would be so uncomfortable to be away from her even for a second!

Every cell in the body is clamoring for her, wanting to be close to her. This feeling is like a drug. It is addictive and impossible to quit.

Chi Enen saw him staring at her for a moment, stretched out his hand to touch his face, and asked, "Is there something on my face? Did I not wipe off the mask cleanly?"



There was another moment of silence.

Chi Enen was simply convinced by him.

He woke her up with a phone call in the middle of the night and refused to let her sleep. He had to start a video chat with her, but when he started the video chat and had nothing to say, he just looked at her...

Her temples jumped twice, and she took the initiative to mention what happened during the day, "By the way, I met Han Wenwen today during the day. It was the Miss Han we met last time. She and Zhixuan met when they were studying abroad. Zhixuan made an appointment. I was shopping for clothes, and she happened to be there.”

"Huh?" He was not interested in Han Wenwen and Li Wenwen, but he wanted to hear her voice so he didn't interrupt her.

"It turned out that she suddenly had a heart attack. I didn't even know she had a heart disease. Zhixuan and I sent her to the hospital and notified her family. Then we left first. I don't know if she is out of danger?"

Chi Enen didn't tell him that Han Wenwen came to her and asked her to let him out.

The main reason is that Han Wenwen's behavior is too funny. Maybe she was stimulated or hit by something, so she lost control and came to tell her this.

She didn't plan to let Li Beijue out anyway, so there was no need to tell him.

If she didn't say anything, someone with a very low emotional intelligence might not even notice that Han Wenwen liked him.

For a woman who coveted her husband, Chi Enen didn't think it was necessary to kindly confess her feelings to her.

Li Beijue didn't know that Han Wenwen had the best intentions!

"I don't know. You sent her to the hospital. Life or death is her business. If she dies, she deserves to die. It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to worry about it." It's cold enough and straightforward enough.

Han Wenwen would be heartbroken to death if she heard what he said.

So Chi Enen is not worried at all about him being snatched away, because she knows this man too well, and he is so paranoid that he is scary and cute.

"Well, I don't plan to care about it. I've done everything I can, and I have a clear conscience for the rest." She also said the same thing when comforting Jin Zhixuan.

It was Han Wenwen who came to trouble them today, and no one deliberately angered her.

Han Wenwen made a ridiculous and almost ridiculous request, but she just refused her rude request normally. Later, Han Wenwen would have a heart attack. It was because she couldn't bear the blow and insisted on making unreasonable troubles with her. Her emotions fluctuated so much that her heart couldn't bear it for a while.

Han Wenwen should be aware of her physical condition. She has congenital heart disease and does not pay attention to her body. It is impossible for others to care.

Gu Xixi and Nuonuo both have inherent shortcomings, but they both lead cheerful and active lives. Nonuo didn't say anything anymore, the little guy flew up happily every day. Gu Xixi also started her own university campus life.

To put it bluntly, if you don’t care about yourself, why should others care about you?

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