Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2721 Insist on sleeping with her

But he didn't listen, and she had no choice but to forget it and watch him eat quietly.

Li Beijue received a top-notch aristocratic education since he was a child. When dining, both his sitting posture and his behavior were as elegant as a painting.

The kind of nobility that radiates from the bones cannot be performed by actors on TV.

Chi Enen couldn't help but watch him eat for half an hour without feeling tired of it, because watching him eat was so pleasing to the eye. Just looking at it makes me want to eat it.

Li Beijue could feel Chi Enen's eyes watching him through the phone. His mood improved and his appetite improved. He originally only took a few bites, but in the end he finished it all.

He put down the spoon and wiped the corners of his mouth, "Okay, you can talk now."

Chi Enen didn't know what was wrong with him, but he blurted out, "Is it delicious?"

Li Beijue was startled by her question, and then a slight smile appeared in his eyes, "It's not bad."

"If you want to eat, I'll have someone bring you one."

It was already 3:10 in the morning in W country, and Chi Enen had been calling him for more than an hour. At this point, he is the only one who can get someone up in the middle of the night to make something and deliver it to him.

But Chi Enen ate with Nono and Chi Baobao in the evening. They had barbecue, so she is not hungry at all now.

"No, it's already so late. What if I wake up Baby Chi and the others?"

"It's not that easy to wake them up when they're asleep!"

"It's not easy for Nono to wake up when he's asleep, but it's easy for Baby Chi. Baby Chi is easily woken up when sleeping. If the doorbell rings, Baby Chi will definitely wake up. So forget it, I don't want to eat either, I just saw you eating, I couldn’t help but ask you.”

She yawned, and the drowsiness that had just been knocked away came back. She blinked her dry eyes and asked, "Li Beijue, when will you go to bed? Let's sleep together. I'm sleepy."

"I won't sleep tonight..."

Damn it, why are we back to this topic again!

"Let's sleep together. I'm so sleepy." It's three in the morning. Can you not be sleepy?

Her slightly squeamish voice was like a feather blowing across her heart, which was indescribably pleasant. The arrogant man stood up and walked to the bedroom, "I can sleep with you for a while."

"Really? You can sleep? You won't go to work while I'm asleep, right?" Chi Enen's eyelids dropped, she was so sleepy that she could fall asleep in the next second.

Li Beijue could clearly see her expression through the big screen, and of course he saw the sleepiness on her face.

He touched his thin lips and took off his phone, "No."

Even if she does, make sure she falls asleep before going.

Chi Enen was very concerned about whether he could sleep tonight. Even if he was so sleepy that his eyes could hardly hold on, he forced himself to hold on and refused to sleep, "Let me tell you a story."

She was so sleepy that she still remembered that Li Beijue liked to listen to her talk when he had insomnia. She forced herself to see Li Beijue go to bed, and then she slowly began to tell the bedtime story she had told Nono tonight, "In A long time ago, there was a very cute little girl living in the forest with her grandma. She had a very beautiful red hat, so everyone liked to call her Little Red Riding Hood. One day, Little Red Riding Hood's grandma was sick, and Little Red Riding Hood took her with her. Go find grandma with the cooked food..."

Li Beijue was used to her telling him such childish bedtime stories that only children of a few years old liked to hear. He didn't know if it was because he was too tired, but the little woman's unhurried voice came to his ears, and he slowly fell into darkness...

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