Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2723 Nono is beaten without counting

The corner of Chi Baobei's mouth twitched. Faced with her pitiful look, he couldn't stand up anymore. He glanced at Chi Enen angrily and said, "She's not crying, she choked on the water."

Chi Enen had also recovered from the most severe period at the beginning, and quickly held her on his lap, "Mommy didn't cry. Mommy just choked on her throat when drinking water. She looked like she was crying when she felt uncomfortable. Actually, Mommy didn’t cry.”

The little girl blinked her eyes, stretched out her short arm and touched her face to make sure she was not crying now, and then solemnly said, "Mommy, don't cry. Mommy cries, and Nono wants to cry too. Nono If she cries, she won’t be cute anymore. If she doesn’t, the little princess will become a crying pig. If I want to call Nono a pig, I’ll have a bad mouth.”

"Pfft." Chi Enen was almost dumbfounded by this little live baby. She secretly glanced at Chi Baobao's face for her. Sure enough, it turned dark.

The little girl also realized that she was outspoken and spoke her true words. She imitated Chi Enen and took a peek at her brother. When she saw that Chi Enen's eyes were not kind, she quickly made up for it, "Ge Guo is good-looking. Many girls in the school like Ge Guo, and so does Nono. Brother pot.”

She acted like, "Although my brother has a bad mouth, but who made you my brother?" Chi Baobao's handsome face turned darker as expected, "Your lollipop is gone today. I will wait until you establish a correct understanding." Eat it again. If you don’t have the correct outlook on things, don’t eat sweets anymore!”

The three-year-old little girl experienced for the first time what it means to "disaster comes from the mouth." When she heard that her candy was gone, she was as anxious as a little monkey. Not bad, but Nono is bad, Nono has a bad mouth, Nono is the worst.”

Chi Baobao picked up the fried dough sticks and took a big bite. He smiled at her and said, "How could it be possible? My dear sister is the cutest little princess in the world. How could she be so bad?"

The little girl became even more restless now. Her little animal instinct made her realize that her brother was speaking sarcastically. But now she can't even express the irony accurately. He could only use the limited vocabulary he knew to apologize, "Nono is bad, Ge Guo, Nono is really bad. Nono has such a bad mouth, he shouldn't say bad things about Ge Guo. Nono is a little bad guy."

"It just so happens that you have realized that you are broken. I will deduct your candy before you learn well and teach you to learn well." Chi Baobao was calm and calm, almost invulnerable.

The little girl has been a little pistachio since she was a child, and even the stern old man cannot be strong in front of her. As long as she acts cute and has a sweet mouth, she will be doted on, to the point where she is afraid of falling if she is held in the palm of his hand. Only for her brother, it was useless for her to be playful or cute. Chi Baobao always said the same thing.

As a result, she has established the concept that she cannot offend anyone by offending her brother since she was sensible. However, she also has a carefree character, and typically does not count the beatings she receives. I was taken care of by my brother a second ago, but I still remember not to provoke my brother next time. But I will forget it again next time, and then I will be punished by my brother again.

The little girl whimpered, turned her head, and grabbed Chi Enen's clothes. She had no choice but to ask Chi Enen to help her, "Mommy, I'm bullying Nono."

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