She suddenly appeared, not to mention Li Beijue, even the woman in military uniform who came with Li Beijue was startled.

"Who is this?" She looked up at the tall and straight man and asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Li Beijue had been impatient with her for a long time, and now Chi Enen appeared, he stared at the little woman who came out of nowhere. Hearing Tina's question, he didn't even glance at her, "Chi Enen, my wife."

"Tina, Admiral of Area A."

Compared to the soft and messy voice when introducing Chi Enen, Tina clearly felt the coldness and ruthlessness in her voice when introducing her again.

She sighed secretly, knowing that she was out, she was a little depressed and relaxed at the same time.

Such an excellent man, she originally wanted to roll the sheets with him to her heart's content, but now it seems that forget it.

She was a free and easy person. She extended her hand to Chi Enen and showed her kindness first. "Hello, I'm Tina. I just saw Mr. Li playing with his phone in the elevator. He must be texting you. Haha, you two have such a good relationship."

"Hello." Chi Enen was not a stingy person. She didn't mean to embarrass the other party. She extended her hand and shook her politely. She said "hmm" lightly as a reply.

She was not stingy, but she was not generous enough to pretend that nothing had happened to a woman who had just tried to seduce her husband.

Tina was not angry at Chi Enen's indifferent attitude. She knew very well that her invitation with hints was heard by Chi Enen. If Chi Enen was enthusiastic towards her, she would think that this person was fake. So she raised her eyebrows and smiled, "I'm really a little thirsty. Since Mrs. Li doesn't mind, I'll go in and get a glass of water. Alas, Mr. Li is really too unkind to women. He talked to me about business all the way, but he didn't even bother to find a place to drink water. He had to make me walk all the way to report to him."

She said this very cleverly to explain to Chi Enen that Li Beijue didn't have any ambiguity with her, and that asking for water just now was just her wishful thinking.

At the same time, she took the initiative to generously mention the matter of asking for water, and also found a way out for herself, reasonably blaming the reason for her asking for water just now on being too thirsty.

Nuo Nuo's emotional intelligence was mostly inherited from Chi Enen, so Chi Enen's emotional intelligence was not low. She instantly understood the other party's intention to show goodwill and led people inside. "He is the kind of person who doesn't pay attention to anything when he is busy. By the way, there are coffee and juice. What do you want to drink, Miss Tina? I will help you pour it." "Do you have mineral water?" Tina asked generously, and then explained, "I can't drink compound drinks because I am working out recently." "Yes. I'll get it for you." Chi Enen was about to turn around and walk inside when her wrist was grabbed forcefully. The next second, the man who had not spoken all the time looked at Tina at the door with eagle eyes and said ruthlessly, "There is a supermarket downstairs. Go buy it yourself if you want to drink!" Tina widened her eyes. She didn't expect him to be so cruel. Li Beijue was even more ruthless, "We will do what we said before according to the conditions you gave. You can handle the rest by yourself. I need to rest. Sorry, I won't accompany you!" Chi Enen's mouth twitched, and he pulled her into the room. She watched him close the door decisively and locked her out!

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