Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2749 Your ex-girlfriend beat her up

After all, they have been in the circle for so long, and they know what the circle is like.

Xinghao, the newly appointed director, seems to have a lot of opinions about Miss Lin. I hope the people behind Miss Lin can always protect Miss Lin, otherwise being hated by the company's senior management will definitely be a fatal blow to an artist.

They heard that Director An has been living abroad in the past few years and has just returned. How could she dislike Miss Lin so much and deliberately help Lina today?

Could it be that she knows Lina?

But the strange thing is that from her attitude towards Lina before she left, it doesn't seem like she had a conflict with Miss Lin just to help Lina.

It's really strange.


Lin Anxin took out the mask from her bag and put it on her face, covering the horrible bloody scratches on her face. She drove all the way back to the apartment.

She went upstairs, took out the key and opened the door. She thought there was no one at home, but she didn't expect that the man who should be working in the company at this time was actually in the living room.

He looked like he had just come back from the company.

Lin Anxin immediately covered her injured left arm, frowned and walked inside, "Why did you come back so early today?"

"Today is the regular checkup day for the sponsor. We agreed to send it to the pet hospital together. Did you forget?" Si Chen smiled elegantly with his beautiful eyebrows and eyes.

Suddenly, he noticed the mask Lin Anxin was still wearing and the strange posture of her arms, and narrowed his eyes, "What's wrong with your hand?"

"Nothing." Lin Anxin avoided his outstretched hand, quietly distanced herself, and changed the subject to walk inside, "You take it, I'm tired of talking about the script today, I want to rest early."

"Anxin." Si Chen grabbed her hand, and quickly grabbed her before she entered the bedroom. He walked in front of her and looked down at her face, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Anxin didn't make any eye contact with him at all, and directly avoided his gaze, struggling to twist the clamp on her wrist, "I said I'm fine, I'm just too tired and want to sleep for a while."

Si Chen believed her, and pulled away her hand, and his dark starry eyes sank suddenly, "Who grabbed you?"

Lin Anxin's skin is fair, just like Chi Enen's skin, which looks scary if it is slightly injured.

At this moment, the blood marks on her arm where Lina had scratched her were swollen, and the red appearance looked shocking.

Si Chen's heart suddenly tightened, and anger flashed in his eyes.

"And your face, don't you hate wearing a mask the most? You don't wear it when you go out normally, why are you wearing it all the time today? Is it possible that your face..."

Si Chen simply clamped her hands and took off the mask on her face.

Sure enough, the same shocking marks were seen on her fair cheeks, which looked even more terrible than the marks on her arms.

Five finger prints were clearly printed on the scratches, which really disfigured her.

Si Chen's handsome face was ashen, and his peach blossom eyes, which were always carefree, flashed with anger. His thin lips were pressed into a straight line, and he clenched Lin Anxin's hand, and his voice was low and angry, "Who did it?"

This was the second time he asked this question, which showed how angry he was.

Lin Anxin was silent for a few seconds, but still couldn't help it. She frowned and pulled his hand, "Your ex-girlfriend beat you up. Are you satisfied?"

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