Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2753: Treat others with their own treatment.

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Si Chen lowered his head and quickly browsed the information on his phone, his thin lips pursed into a straight line.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and put it to his ear, "Say."

"Master Si, I have sent the information you requested to your mobile phone. Have you seen it?"

It's that person just now!

Si Chenxing's eyes were stern, "I saw it."

"Master Si, what are your plans next?" The man knew very well how much Si Chen valued Lin Anxin and asked him directly how he would take revenge next.

He was as graceful and elegant as a noble prince in the Middle Ages. The man's thin lips curved in a calm and conceited arc, like a bloodthirsty devil, "Treat the other person in his own way!"

Two hours later.

The phone number of the Xinghao Entertainment Promotion Department was once again flooded, but this time it was not for Linna, who had just been exposed in a scandal, but for Xinghao's other ace, the movie queen Lu Qinglian.

Xinghao Entertainment has been in bad luck these past few days. Two of its three aces were exposed to sponsorship scandals one after another.

The news that Lina was photographed by the paparazzi on a date with a married man and passionately kissing her in the car at night has not been released yet. It was also revealed that she had an ambiguous relationship with a married man who was close to Lu Qinglian.

Unlike Linna, Lu Qinglian was not photographed with key evidence, but it was not much better.

Someone got a screenshot of her WeChat chat with a middle-aged rich man from somewhere, and it was immediately exposed by the gossip tabloids.

Lu Qinglian's affair with a married man shocked netizens even more than Lina's affair with a married man.

After all, Linna takes the sexy and glamorous route, and she does not give the impression of being a pure and innocent female star. But Lu Qinglian is different. Lu Qinglian takes a pure route and often portrays herself as an artistic young woman. Committed to charity activities all year round. In order to establish her own character, she even went to the mountains to teach for three years. In the first two years, she didn't publish any press releases. It wasn't until the third year that she was 'happily' photographed by a local reporter and exposed, which helped her gain a lot of goodwill. Lina's popularity among passers-by is unmatched.

She suddenly broke out such a big scandal, not to mention the Internet was shocked and started to laugh.

Even the reporters and media in the circle were shocked.

They were not surprised that Lu Qinglian was being taken care of. There were no female celebrities in this circle who had been working in the background. Unless your family situation is particularly good and you have enough network resources to allow you to move sideways in the entertainment industry. Otherwise, you have no choice but to compromise and follow the ‘rules’ of this circle.

Lu Qinglian was born in an ordinary family. Her parents were both workers, so it was impossible for her to provide much help. She is not the type of person who is particularly beautiful in the entertainment industry. In addition to her own strength, she has been able to reach where she is today. The financial backers behind her have changed one after another, which has allowed her to gradually reach where she is today.

Her management team is very good at solving all kinds of black materials and is famous in the circle.

People in the circle were surprised that Lu Qinglian was exposed this time. Lu Qinglian's team, which has always been well-connected, was exposed without any preparation in advance.

At this moment, the paparazzi reporters who had caught wind of the incident had begun to crowd around Lu Qinglian's studio, hoping to capture first-hand gossip.

At the scene where Lu Qinglian was filming the commercial today, an inconspicuous Volkswagen car quietly drove out of the venue before the large group of reporters arrived——

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