Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2764 A cruel and protective man

Si Chen glanced over with a sharp gaze, and his words suddenly stuck in his throat. He quickly covered his mouth with quick eyes and hands, and gave Si Chen a look that said, "I didn't mean to do it, I'm quick to talk, quick to talk."

Lin Anxin watched the eye contact between the two of them, and calmly pulled the sponsor inside, "Come in, new. Standing at the door will disturb the neighbors opposite."

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Huang Xin was overjoyed and slipped in first, completely ignoring Si Chen's warning eyes.

As soon as he entered, he looked around the small apartment in surprise, and asked Lin Anxin, who was helping him pour water, doubtfully, "Sister-in-law, why do you live in such a small house?"

He meant no harm, just asked out of curiosity.

The Si family and Si Chen are both wealthy owners, and Si Chen has no real estate in his name. As Si Chen's girlfriend, he thought that Lin Anxin had to live in a duplex apartment of at least 300 square meters to be considered normal. .

As soon as he followed up, he discovered that although this community was good, it was not a particularly high-end wealthy area. Unexpectedly, when he came in, he found that Lin Anxin not only lived in an ordinary community, but also the house was not big.

This area is probably about the size of his bedroom.

Lin Anxin placed the water glass in front of him. Faced with his embarrassing question, he answered extremely calmly, "Is it small? Not small. Two bedrooms, two living rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, which is enough for one person. A little bigger ”

"Did you buy this?" Huang Xin was even more surprised. Because of his surprise, he completely raised his head and looked up at Lin Anxin.

Si Chen was a little unhappy and frowned, "It's already so late, won't your parents be anxious if you don't go back?"

Huang Xin was interrupted by him, and then he realized that he was acting a bit contemptuously. He moved his lips in embarrassment, trying to explain that he had no other intentions and was just curious. Lin Anxin was already attracted to him, so why did he even buy the house by himself.

"I often go back very late and they are used to it."

"I'm afraid your old man is not used to it yet. Do you want me to call your old man and tell him that you are still wandering on the street in the afternoon?" Si Chen's threatening eyes have turned into Chi Guoguo's verbal threats.

What Huang Xin was most afraid of was his old man. He froze and forced out a sarcastic smile, "Oh my god, we are all brothers, so don't be so cruel."

Didn't he just say the wrong thing?

His girlfriend is not made of paper, why should she be so protective and drive him away if she says the wrong thing?

"You want me to call your old man in front of you?" Si Chen looked at him expressionlessly and took out his cell phone, making it clear that he was not joking.

"Fuck!" Huang Xin's face hurt, and he suddenly got up from the sofa, "Are you really hitting me?"

Without saying anything, Si Chen already swiped the screen with his finger...

Actions speak for themselves.

Huang Xin quickly grabbed his phone and said as if his butt was on fire, "I'm leaving, can't I leave?"

After he finished speaking, he smiled apologetically to Lin Anxin and said, "Ahem, sister-in-law, I will go home after having dinner at home tonight. I will treat my sister-in-law to dinner another day."

"Okay." Lin Anxin knew that he was just being polite, so she readily agreed. Anyway, the meal was just talk.

Huang Xin looked at her with a complicated look again, returned the phone to Si Chen, and walked away without looking back...

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