Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2791 You have always heard Li Beijue’s name, right?

Reporters are not surprised by this kind of link.

Some of them were already preparing to pack up their equipment and go back, but unexpectedly someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed——

"Li Beijue's wife, the daughter of the Habsden family?!"

"The one next to her is the second young lady of the Jin family, the top socialite who studies abroad all year round?"

"What's going on? Why are these two people here? They couldn't be invited by the crew, that's impossible. Who has such a big reputation?"

The reporters were murmuring.

"No, I have to call my master and the others quickly and ask them to come over quickly."

"Mrs. Li is so protected that she rarely appears in the public eye. This is such a good opportunity, so I must take more photos."

Some reporters are new and don’t understand what others are excited about. He walked up and asked, "Brother, who are those two people on the stage? Why haven't I seen them before? Are they new people in the industry?"

Mrs. Li, that means she is married.

The current traffic of unmarried female celebrities is not as good as that of male celebrities, and the popularity of married female celebrities is even less popular. What are they excited about?

"Newcomer? I think it's time for you to change your mind! Who told you that she is a newcomer? Have the Li family heard of it?"

"..." He doesn't know anything about chaebol.

"Never heard of it? Does Universal Building know about it? Universal Pictures knows about it? Universal Cinema knows about it, right?"

"I know this." The newcomer said immediately.

The reporter said proudly, "These are all companies owned by the Li Chaebol. The Li Chaebol is involved in real estate, IT, automobiles, entertainment, tourism, etc., with industries all over the world, and is one of the top super wealthy families in the world. You don't know this, Have you always heard the name Li Beijue? "

The newcomer thought about it and vaguely felt that he had heard this name.

"Oh, although this man is not from the entertainment industry, the news about him can hit the click rate every time, and the popularity is higher than that of popular male stars. Before he got married a year ago, he had always occupied the top spot in the world. Ranking list of men you want to marry, just leave behind Leonardo! It was later that he got married and became more low-key. There are almost no gossip reports about him on the Internet, so his popularity has dropped a little. The person standing above is his wife, Chi Enen. She is also a legend. Let me tell you, she is not as legendary as the story of Cinderella. In short, it doesn’t matter how she came here. New director platform, now that she is here, the news will definitely not be blocked as long as it can be sent out, there is absolutely no need to worry about traffic!”

At that time, they only need to add some inventory of Chi Enen next to the news about the launch conference, dig out the romantic news from the past, write it in, and the clicks will explode in minutes!

The reporter quickly adjusted the focus of his camera and was in a very good mood. "I am really lucky today. Such good things have happened to me. It seems that I was right to come here. Those fools, for I took a photo of Lu Qinglian and competed with me for the position. Now I’ve lost the watermelon and picked up the sesame seeds, so I can expect a big bonus this month~”

The newcomer seemed to understand what he heard. Seeing the excitement on the faces of his colleagues around him, he swallowed his saliva and took out his cell phone to call the leader to report——

"Hey, leader, I'm at the launch conference of "All Time Knows" and we had an accident here..."

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