Li Beijue grabbed the collar of the expert who came out first and approached him, "How is she?"

The expert was lifted up like a chicken. He was startled and stammered, holding his notebook and saying, "Li Li, Mr. Li..."

"I asked you how she is!" Li Beijue frowned, his whole body full of violent aura, and his cold eyes seemed to tear people apart.

The expert's face turned even paler with fright, and he spoke faster than his brain, "Oh oh oh, Mrs. Li is fine. It's just that she is one month pregnant. She was stimulated just now and her mood fluctuated too much. The fetus in her belly is a little unstable. We An obstetrician and gynecologist has been sent over to give Mrs. Li a dose of miscarriage. Now Mrs. Li is resting, and she will be fine if she wakes up and pays close attention. "

He said it in a congratulatory tone, but he didn't notice that the veins on the back of the hand of the man holding his collar were bulging.

"What did you say? What happened to Chi Enen?" Every word seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth.

The expert was stunned by his reaction and answered in an unclear manner, "...Mr. Li, Mrs. Li is one month pregnant."

Isn’t it said outside that Mr. Li can’t wait to pamper Mrs. Li to the core, even if she holds her in his mouth, she’ll melt?

Why did Mr. Li not react happily when he heard that Mrs. Li was pregnant?

Li Beijue's face turned even more ugly, and his sharp jawline stretched into a straight line like a knife, "I had a ligation."


Li Beijue grabbed his collar, and the force in his hand was so strong that he almost broke the expert's neck. His handsome face was dark, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I said I had a ligation surgery, how did she get pregnant?"

Chi Enen is pregnant.

damn it!

He just didn't want her to get pregnant again. He had already performed a vasectomy. How could she still get pregnant?

He knew very well what kind of person Chi Enen was. He had never doubted that his head was turning green. His first reaction was that the doctor who performed the ligation surgery on him did not do a good job.

The doctor misunderstood, thinking that he was suspecting that his wife had cuckolded him, and quickly explained, "Mr. Li, from a medical perspective, there is no 100% sterilization operation in this world. Regardless of whether the female's ring or the male's The sterilization rate can only reach 99%. We have encountered cases where a man's wife still got pregnant after sterilization, but this situation is very rare. I won't get pregnant again. Mrs. Li should have encountered an exception of one in ten thousand. This chance is very small, even smaller than the chance of getting pregnant after taking birth control pills..."

Li Beijue's mind was filled with the news of Chi Enen's pregnancy, and he didn't listen to his words at all.

The expert's face turned red as he held up his collar, and he couldn't help struggling, "Mr. Li, ahem, can you let me go first?"

Li Beijue let go of his hand expressionlessly.

The expert was free. He quickly took a few deep breaths of fresh air, stroked his chest and said, "Mrs. Li is definitely pregnant. We have done a blood test for Mrs. Li. If Mr. Li doesn't want a child, within three months You can ask Mrs. Li to do a minor operation."

He meant to knock it off.

Li Beijue's expression became even more sinister, and he gave him a cold look.

The expert didn't know what he said wrongly, so he quickly shut his mouth. The soles of his feet felt as if needles were pricking him.

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