Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2808 Li Beijue finally answered the phone

There was water in her eyes, as if she had been greatly humiliated, and she clenched her fist in her left hand, trying her best to suppress her emotions.

Si Chen frowned and watched her performance.


If he still had the same personality as before, he would definitely suspect that he had misunderstood her now.

But he is not 18 years old, and neither is An Ran.

Over the years, he gradually took over the Si family, and countless women came and went around him. It wasn't until he met Lin Anxin that he knew what it felt like to love someone.

Before he knew how to love, he had seen too many women's performances.

He had to admit that An Ran's acting skills were top-notch among the women he had ever seen. Whether it’s his demeanor, reaction, or words, it’s easy for a man to blame himself and then doubt himself.

But no matter what, there were only two of them in the bar today, and the drug in the wine could not have been given by the bartender. The only person who could possibly drug him is her!

It can be inferred based on what she said before. She had already prepared for this scene. She first used Huang Xin's trust in her, and then used his trust in Huang Xin to call him out. Then she came here in advance and drugged the wine, or maybe she asked the bartender to use a wine glass soaked in the drug... In short, she just found a way to tamper with his wine. She would seize the time to 'come over' and send Huang Xin away as she had agreed with him before...

This scheming!

No wonder Beijue hated her before and said she was a beautiful snake.

At that time, he still liked her and almost broke up with Bei Jue if he didn't believe what Bei Jue said.

Si Chen took a deep breath and tried desperately to suppress the flames in his lower abdomen, but he found that he could not control his body's physiological reaction at all.

Whether he wanted it or not, his body had begun to undergo the normal changes of a man.

"Let go!" Si Chen's temples were beating wildly, and his steps were shaky.

An Ran immediately supported him and leaned closer, "Ah Shen, what on earth have you misunderstood me about? How could I leave you like this?"

Si Chen was angry and angry. Thinking of her repeated calculations against him, and thinking of Lin Anxin who was still unconscious in the hospital, a fire surged in his heart, and he almost cursed!

It's a pity that the elite education he received since childhood and his upbringing as a man did not allow him to do this.

He gritted his teeth to control himself, desperately trying to hold on for a while longer. He waved his hand away, pushed the person away, and took this opportunity to dial Li Beijue's number again.


Answer the phone, Beijue!

Answer the phone quickly!

If he doesn't answer, he doesn't know what will happen that he can't accept!

I don’t know if God heard his prayer voice. After the phone beeped more than ten times, he picked up and said, "Hello."

Li Beijue's deep voice came from the receiver.

Si Chen had never thought the voice was so beautiful. He almost couldn't wait to say to the phone, "Beijue, come and pick me up!"

"Where are you?" Li Beijue vaguely sensed something was wrong and asked immediately.

An Ran saw that the trap she had finally set up was about to be broken. She knew very well that this was her last chance. She didn't care so much, pretended to sprain her foot, and bumped into him.


Because of the drugs in his body, Si Chen didn't have much strength at all, and the phone in his hand was knocked out with a bang. It fell to the ground, a black screen appeared, and the phone was disconnected.

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