Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2828 The two father and son are exactly the same

Huo Yi sent the people away and returned to the ward. Seeing that the air pressure around him was still very low, he softly spoke to the doctor, "Sir, don't be angry. Doctor Qin just came up with a solution."

"I know he didn't do it on purpose. If he had done it on purpose, he would no longer be a doctor in this hospital!" Li Beijue stayed by the bedside without looking back, his tone cold and unpleasant.

Huo Yi pursed his lips and stopped defending the doctor who was at gunpoint. He glanced at the time on the wall and reminded worriedly, "Sir, it's already eight o'clock. I'll go prepare dinner for you. For the sake of the young lady, you didn't eat anything at noon. I hope the young lady wakes up and knows. , must be angry."

"Don't worry about me." Li Beijue frowned, obviously not listening.

How could Huo Yi ignore him, especially when his stomach wasn't in good shape to begin with. Huo Yi thought for a while and saw Chi Baobao beside him. He suddenly had an idea and continued to persuade, "But Sir, the young master didn't have dinner either. For the sake of the young master, you and the young master will go together..."

Before he finished speaking, the man who had been staring at the person on the hospital bed suddenly turned his head and interrupted him, "Take Chi Jingchen to eat!"

"Uh..." His original intention was for the lord and young master to have dinner together.

Chi Baobao heard the two of them mentioning herself and refused without thinking, "I won't go, I'm not hungry! I want to stay here and wait for Chi Enen to wake up."

The two fathers and sons are exactly the same.

Huo Yi had a terrible headache.

Li Beijue's handsome face was tense, with deep outlines. A sharp look swept over the stubborn young man, and with a touch of thin lips, he said, "Go eat with Huo Yi."

Chi Baobei was not afraid of him. Despite his cramped aura, she looked into his eyes and refused to change her words, "I won't go, and you won't go. I will stay here and wait for my woman to wake up."

"I'll say it again, go eat with Huo Yi." Li Beijue didn't pay attention to his protest at all, and added coldly, "If you don't go now, believe it or not, I will have someone send you to the military area immediately. You You won’t be able to come back for at least a month. Think about it yourself!”

"I-" Chi Baobao was so angry that his beautiful face, which had begun to take on the contours of a young boy, turned red.

Lao Wang next door is a threat!

Chi Guoguo bullied him while his woman was awake!

Li Beijue seemed to see the accusation hidden in his angry eyes, and said indifferently, "If you don't eat, Chi Enen will be worried about you when she wakes up. If you want to see her worrying about you as soon as she wakes up, don't go. "

Chi Baobao tightened his lips, and the stubbornness and rebellion on his face were suppressed a little, but he still didn't move.

Li Beijue continued, "Chi Enen is pregnant, you should know it. You should also know what pregnancy means. If you don't want what happened before to happen again, you'd better behave well to prevent her from running away again. "

He accurately stepped on Chi Baobao's painful foot.

Didn't Chi Enen suddenly run away because she was pregnant with Nono?

He ran away for a year and a half. That period of time was unforgettable for Chi Baobao. Every day he counted on his fingers when Chi Enen would come back. The flowers he waited for all withered, and he wanted to be a rebellious boy while waiting. Force people back. Only then did his woman come back with the little fool in her arms.

Because he was too concerned about the fact that his woman left him for the little fool. Later, he quietly investigated the reason and found out the secret of the Li family.

Now his woman is pregnant again...

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