Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2851 To me, you are no different from those women

An Ran's fair face seemed to have been slapped hard in the face. His face was green, red and white, colorful and wonderful.

In her impression, Si Chen has always been a gentleman with a gentle personality.

Needless to say, he was infatuated with her when he was a teenager. He was almost obedient to her and would help her achieve whatever she said. Even if she came back from abroad later, Si Chen would be much colder to her when they met again. But overall he is still relatively gentle and gentlemanly.

This was the first time she had seen such a ruthless side of this man!

"I'm just being honest with my heart. Are you going to use those women to humiliate me?"

"Those women?" The noble man indifferently flicked the cigarette butt with his fingers, extremely noble and extremely ruthless, "You are no different from them in my eyes!"

He was polite to her before because even if he had someone he really liked, An Ran was still the one he had been attracted to.

And they still have a bond of growing up together.

That's why he let her find opportunities to play those little tricks again and again.

But everything has a limit, and what she did has exceeded what he can tolerate, and has worn away the last bit of friendship he had for her.

Then there is no difference between her An Ran and the women he had before meeting Lin Anxin.

It's not like he hasn't been a jerk before.

If she thought he was the kind of man she could manipulate at will, she would be too naive! He has always had only one attitude towards women - give her what he can.

He will satisfy any request within reasonable limits. If the other party made demands that were beyond his scope, then sorry, he would have to ask them to wake up.

An Ran wanted to use her sleep as a bargaining chip to exchange the identity of his wife with him. It was too naive and ridiculous!

So far, he has not received the test results from the hospital. But he believed in his sixth sense and never had sex with her!

The five million was the last thing he gave her. If she was smart, she would take this money and not appear in his sight again. But she was obviously not satisfied and greedily wanted more. Then don't blame him for treating her like this now.

"You don't have to think too highly of yourself. In my eyes, you are no more noble than them. You are not even as good as them. At least they don't think they are smart and treat me as a fool like you." Si Chen With a touch of thin lips, she narrowed her peach blossom eyes with cruel eyes, "Do you think it will work to follow my dad's path? Now he is satisfied with you because he doesn't know what you are doing abroad. As long as someone tells him about you What have you done in the past two years abroad? Do you think you will still be a satisfactory candidate for him? "

Si Chen's every word penetrated An Ran's most vulnerable place due to the fear of being discovered, "Why did you cancel the engagement with the crown prince? Is the reason really as announced to the public just because the two parties have been together for a long time and found that their personalities are not suitable? "

It’s because of disease X!

An Ran turned pale and looked at the cold and ruthless man behind the desk in panic. He was completely different from the young man in his memory.

"An Ran, just because I don't say something doesn't mean I don't know. You will never be able to prove anything to me. Because in my eyes, you are no different from the women before me!"

The only person who is different is Lin Anxin.

There is only one Lin Anxin in this life.

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