Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2892 What does your pregnancy have to do with me?

When he was looking at An Ran, An Ran was also looking at him.

Although An Ran has passed the age where she would scream for a good-looking man, she has to admit that when facing this man, her heartbeat will still accelerate out of female instinct.

She greeted Li Beijue calmly and generously, "Mr. Li."

Just at this time, Special Assistant Xu came in with coffee.

"Mr. Li, your coffee."

"Put it on the table."


Assistant Xu put the coffee on his desk and left indifferently. He didn't even look at her curiously during the whole process.

Li Beijue picked up the exquisite porcelain coffee cup and took an elegant sip. He glanced at An Ran impatiently and said, "I'll give you three minutes. If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. I don't have that much time to spend with you, and I don't have Si Chen." Such great patience.”

An Ran had prepared several opening plans, but when faced with his simplicity and rudeness, she gave up all of them, pursed her lips, and went straight to the point, "Mr. Li, I'm pregnant."

Li Beijue frowned fiercely, put down the coffee cup, stared at her with eagle eyes, cold and arrogant, "What does your pregnancy have to do with me?"

Faced with his cramped aura, An Ran did not panic and stood there quietly and said, "Mr. Li should know very well who the father of the child in my belly is."

"So?" Li Beijue's eyebrows were sharp, and there was a hint of irritation in his impatience.

He was not sure about An Ran's pregnancy, but it would be troublesome if she was really pregnant with Si Chen's child.

What happened that day was a Rashomon. Si Chen said that he felt that he had never touched this woman, but after all, he was drugged and lost consciousness at that time.

Whether he had ever touched Enron or not, no one can tell until there is evidence.

Li Beijue was not sure that Si Chen had never touched this woman.

An Ran lowered her eyes with tenderness in her eyes. She touched her flat belly with her hand, then raised her head and said firmly, "Mr. Li and Ah Chen are friends. Now Ah Chen doesn't want to see me, but the child is not wrong. I I hope Mr. Li can help me tell Ah Shen about my pregnancy."

Li Beijue stared at her expressionlessly for a few seconds. In just a few seconds, An Ran had the illusion that someone was strangling her neck.

Just when she was about to suffocate due to oppression, the sharp gaze that fell on her withdrew. While she breathed a sigh of relief, she heard the man's incomprehensible voice, "I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up."

"Mr. Li?" An Ran suddenly raised her head and opened her eyes wide, as if she didn't understand why he wanted to take her to the hospital.

Li Beijue stood up from the chair, with an proud posture, broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. The simple suit style on him was more eye-catching than the male models on the catwalk.

It's a pity that his attitude was so bad that An Ran couldn't have any delusions. "I don't believe a word you said! Didn't you say you were pregnant? I will take you to the hospital now. Everything Let’s wait until your test results come out!”

There are thousands of women who want to marry into rich families. Although he doesn't have those messy women around him, he has seen and heard a lot of their tricks.

Pretending to be pregnant has been used by more than one woman.

For a woman like An Ran who was already very scheming and liked to lie, when she suddenly came to tell him that she was pregnant, he didn't believe it at all!

Unless the hospital's examination results are the same!

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