Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 3088 An Ran is miserable [4]

Huang Xin clenched the phone in his hand and called her sadly, "Mom, stop talking! I know. I won't contact her again, don't worry."

Somehow his grandmother found out that he had stolen the family's jewelry and sold it to An Ran to raise money. His grandmother was so angry that night that she was hospitalized for a stroke.

Before passing out, she held his hand and cried, telling him to stop messing around and that the family's hopes were pinned on him.

At that time, he personally promised his grandmother, who had loved him all his life, that he would never contact An Ran again and that he would be obedient and settle down.

Afterwards, he went on a blind date and found that the other person was a perfect match for him. She was a very simple and gentle little girl. They had already established their relationship a few days ago and became boyfriend and girlfriend. Although he was a bastard, once he established a relationship with someone, he never thought of betraying the other person.

It is impossible for him and Sister An Ran.

Mrs. Huang stared at him, trying to read something on his face. After looking at it for a long time without seeing anything, she relaxed her shoulders and said in a gentle and emotional voice, "Son, it's not that Mom doesn't want you to be happy. If it were another woman, Mom would definitely make it happen for you." . But she can't. She is obviously using your emotions as her own tool. How can I bear to see you being played around by her? Do you understand that this is the reason why you are so excited?

Huang Xin lowered his head with a heavy stone on his chest, "I know grandma is not angry with me because of the jewelry. It's because I am too ignorant."

Mrs. Huang grabbed his hand and said movingly, "It's nothing. You were young and ignorant before, forget it. But son, you are the backbone of the family now. Even if it's not for me or your dad, it's for you." Grandpa and grandma, please share the burden a little bit and stop interacting with her..."

Huang Xin gritted his teeth, raised his head to meet her eyes, and solemnly swore, "I will never contact Sister An Ran again, I swear!"

He couldn't let his family down anymore.

Especially his grandma was disappointed.

In order to prove the credibility of what he said, he pulled out An Ran's phone number in front of Mrs. Huang and dragged it into the blacklist.

Mrs. Huang's heart suddenly relaxed and she softened completely, "Son, thank you."

Huang Xin looked at her with tears in her eyes, threw the phone aside, patted her back, and softly comforted her, "Mom, what are you talking about? It's me who should say I'm sorry. And thank you for giving me Opportunity trust me.”

"Silly boy, I am your mother. If I don't give you a chance, who will give you a chance?" Mrs. Huang patted his shoulder and smiled happily.

Mrs. Huang was satisfied, but An Ran was much more uneasy.

After being hung up on, she was unwilling and tried to dial Si Chen's number again. As a result, this time there was no sound of the call being connected, and it was directly stated that the caller was not in the service area.

She just called Huang Xin, how could she believe that Huang Xin was not in the service area. This situation clearly shows that the other party dragged her phone number into the rejection list.

An Ran didn't panic before because she thought that Huang Xin would be her backing, and it was only 200,000. If she spoke, Huang Xin would definitely find a way to get it for her.

Who knew that Huang Xin had dragged her phone number into the blacklist, and she suddenly became anxious.

"Damn it, that damn old woman!" She tried calling a few more times to no avail, and threw the phone to the ground angrily.

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