Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 3103 He should go to the Andrology Department

"You've already eaten two, won't your teeth hurt if you eat it again?" Chi Enen said and helped him call the waiter over, "A glass of Blue Mountain without sugar, and another strawberry cake."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter wrote the list and walked away.

Li Beijue and Nan Yuan stared with big eyes and small eyes, neither of them showed any expression. Li Beijue's expressionless face was because he was not interested in the person in front of him, while Nan Yuan's expressionless expression was purely because he was slow in reacting and extremely ignorant of people's expressions.

Faced with such a strong aura from Li Beijue, he could still sit calmly across from him and continue to enjoy the big strawberries he had saved up. I have to say that sometimes being overly nervous is also an advantage.

Seeing that the two of them still ignored each other after ordering, Chi Enen rubbed his temples helplessly, and smoothed things over with them, "Why don't you talk?"

"By the way, Li Beijue, why are you here? Where are the others?" She turned her head and asked the man beside her.

Normally, he is surrounded by people all the time, besides the bodyguards, there are also people who fawn over him. Chi Enen hadn't seen him appear alone for a long time.

Li Beijue lied without changing his expression, "In the front, I'll tell them not to come over."


That's right, his posture just now is clearly for catching rape, and he will definitely not let others follow him.

Chi Enent admired his current concentration, he was still so calm after being 'caught rape'. She focused on the person who was eating strawberries on the opposite side again, and she couldn't restrain her joy and said to the person on the opposite side, "Mr. Nanyuan, please help my husband to see what's going on with him."

The person on the opposite side swallowed the strawberry, and reluctantly said, "You ask him to give me his hand, how can I see if I haven't felt the pulse yet? Stare at him with your eyes."

He doesn't like men who are more handsome than him, this man belongs to his least favorite type!

Chi Enen didn't even ask anyone, he simply raised the man's left hand and put it on the table, "Look at it."

Li Beijue, "... Chi Enen, I don't need to let him see!"

Chi Enen is now focused on solving his migraine problem, automatically ignoring his protest, putting one hand on Li Beijue's wrist, and assuring Nanyuan, "Don't worry, he won't move around."

Nanyuan stretched out his hand slowly, and put his finger on Li Beijue's pulse.

The moment his finger touched it, the man's eyes suddenly sank. The air pressure around him suddenly dropped as his face darkened...

damn it!

His first reaction almost put a gun on the temple of the presumptuous man!

But he was reluctant to move, because besides the disgusting feeling. Chi Enen's soft little hand was also on his arm, restricting his movements.

Nan Yuan's eyes showed doubts at first, then slowly, slowly... His expression changed, and he began to be speechless, and then his brows also wrinkled.

Chi Enen has been paying attention to his reaction nervously. Seeing his brows frowning and his heart constricting, he couldn't help breaking the frozen air, bit his lower lip and said, "Mr. Nanyuan, is my husband okay? "

The unshaven, 16-year-old man looked up at her as he did what he wanted so that he couldn't tell at all, and then withdrew his hand. As if losing his temper, he forked a strawberry and fed it into his mouth, then said vaguely, "There is something. He should go to the andrology department to have a look."

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