Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 3243 Han Xiaoruo, give me the rabbit

The narrow room is only 10 square meters at most, and there are miscellaneous things piled up in it, which is messy. There was a curtain hanging by the only window that was dirty and looked as if it might fall off at any moment. Lying on an old wooden bed was a girl with a flushed complexion, holding a little rabbit doll with a fierce expression at the moment, as if that little rabbit was very important to her, so important that even if she was unconscious, she would still not let it go. Willing to let anyone touch it!

And standing opposite the girl was a girl of about the same age. The girl was wearing a beautiful LV latest dress, and she was also pretty and cute, but she obviously didn't look like someone wearing LV, even if the skirt was on her, she still had An indescribable sense of incongruity.

Who of these two is the young master's little girlfriend?

"Who are you?"

While Huo Yi was looking at the two of them, the little girl wearing brand-name clothes and wearing a princess head looked at them vigilantly. Although her tone was fierce, her eyes kept looking at Chi Baobao. It's clear that the girl's heart is sprouting...

Chi Baobao didn't even look at her, and walked directly to the dilapidated wooden bed, walked to the side of the bed, and stretched out his hand towards the person on the bed——

"Give me."

His vocal cords are in the period of voice change, and his voice is relatively low. But it's not the same as ordinary little boys, the voice of the voice change period is thick like a drake. His voice is slightly deep but still pleasant to hear.

The girl on the bed was panting heavily, her face was red, and her eyes were fierce and ready to bite at any time. Hearing this, she just raised her head and stared at him without moving.

The little girl who was ignored next to her couldn't help but said jealously, "Don't get close to her, she is a fool, her brain is not working well. Catch whoever bites whoever, I was bitten by her just now."

Huo Yi was also worried that Chi Baobao would be bitten, so he reminded him, "Young master, that little girl seems to have a fever, and she's not very conscious. She may not recognize you."

People are confused, and even familiar people may not recognize it.

Chi Baobao didn't take back his hand, but moved his hand an inch in front of the girl, and repeated, "Give me the rabbit in your hand."

"That rabbit is her treasure, she won't give it to you." The little girl said with envy from her cool side.

Huo Yi's eyes were not blind, he had already seen who Chi Baobao's little girlfriend was, and his eyes were a little cold when he looked at the little girl.

The LV haute couture dress on her was probably snatched.

"Huh?" Chi Baobao ignored her, stared at the person on the bed with eyes brighter than stars, and touched her rosy lips, "I know you heard me, Han Xiaoruo, give me the rabbit."

As soon as Han Xiaoruo uttered the three words, the girl seemed to be touched, showing an uncomfortable expression.

Chi Baobei frowned all of a sudden, "You don't know your name?"

"She's a fool, you keep telling her what."

"Shut up!" He turned his head sharply, cold and domineering!

The little girl was taken aback, and closed her mouth aggrieved and depressed.

What's so good about that fool, why doesn't he talk to himself, doesn't he play with himself?

Obviously she looks better...

"Han Xiaoruo, give me the rabbit." After yelling at the noisy little girl, he looked uneasy, and passed his hand forward again, with a very unfriendly tone.

Huo Yi was afraid that the girl covered in spikes would be frightened and bite him.

Something unexpected happened, the girl covered in spikes who was vigilant to everyone didn't know why, she slowly stretched out her hand, and put the little bunny she was holding tightly on the palm of his hand.

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