Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 3292 Why didn't she expect

"It's okay for An Xin to be alone, right?" Chi Enen walked to the underground garage, stopped and frowned worriedly, "Why don't I sleep with her tonight, and you go back first."

Li Beijue grabbed her wrist tightly and refused to let her go, his dark eyes fell on her full of displeasure, "I don't care about you hugging her just now, don't go too far!"

When did she go too far... Shit... An Xin is a woman... Isn't his jealousy too exaggerated?

Chi Enen helplessly pulled the big hand on his wrist. He didn't pull it off for a long time, so he could only say helplessly, "Li Beijue, today is a special situation, so please accommodate me~"

It's useless for her to be coquettish, she still hasn't let go of the hand that should be let go, "Who says I'm not accommodating?"

Chi Enen, "..."

So what he called accommodating was when An Xin was in a low mood and she hugged her for a while...

She became speechless helplessly, gritted her teeth, and decided to fight hard with him, "I want to accompany An Xin tonight, you go back first."

The handsome and noble man frowned, his eagle eyes narrowed dangerously, "Are you talking to me?"

Chi Enen was not afraid of him, he straightened his stomach without any trace, very manly expression, "Yes, I was talking to you. It's just the two of us here, who will I tell if I don't talk to you. Li Beijue, I Don't go back tonight!"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden scream, and she was picked up by the waist, and she was carried directly into the parking lot...

"Li Beijue, what are you doing, let me down..."

With his legs hanging in the air, Chi Enen always felt insecure. He subconsciously hugged his neck with both hands, and patted him on the shoulder while screaming.

Li Beijue took her little struggle as a tickle, hugged her beside the car, opened the door, and put her in the car. Just like a robber, he closed the car door and locked it behind him. Then go around to the front and open the driver's door.

Chi Enen, who was locked in the back seat, walked up to the front row and asked him gloomily, "Li Beijue, are you a hooligan?" He was as domineering as a bandit!

The noble man was unmoved, completely ignoring her indignation, inserted the car key, started the car, and said calmly, "Have you ever seen a gangster rob your woman?"

"..." Chi Enen was so stunned that he was speechless.

Lincoln drove out of the underground parking lot, she turned her head and looked at the distant villa with a worried face, and she seemed to be listless and stopped talking.

The driver in front glanced at her through the rearview mirror, and suddenly said, "If you are worried about Lin Anxin, go and find out what happened to the director of the orphanage she mentioned. Just tell that man to shut up. The 'evidence' provided is automatically invalidated."

Without a witness, the testimony of the 'witness' is naturally not valid. Lin Anxin and An An can insist that the other party is slandering, she doesn't know this person.

Si Shengyao couldn't do anything if he wanted to.

As soon as he reminded Chi Enen, he immediately figured out the joints, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly leaned forward from behind and kissed him on the neck, "Why didn't I think of this, thank you, Li Beijue~"

She just acted naturally out of happiness, without any other meaning. But the man who was driving was breathless when she teased him, he staggered, and almost stepped on the wrong gas pedal. His handsome face darkened, and he stepped on the brake. The car shook and stabilized quickly, "Damn it!"

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