Seeing his awkward and cute appearance, Chi Enen rushed up and hugged him, bent down and kissed him on the cheek, stroked his head and praised, "Thanks to my baby~ I'll call your Aunt An Xin Give her a call and tell her the good news."

"What are you doing, your face is full of saliva!" He tried his best to wipe his face with his hands, but no matter how he looked at it, he seemed to be angry from embarrassment.

Chi Enen pursed the corners of his mouth in a good mood, and said with a smile, "I'm going to call your Aunt An Xin, thank you baby."

"Hurry up, hurry up..." Chi Baobei waved his hand, the expression on his handsome face seemed to wish she could leave sooner.

Chi Enen knew that he was embarrassed by being kissed, and insisted on embarrassing his machismo personality, so he acted duplicity and drove her away. She smiled and walked away to call Lin Anxin.

She didn't expect things to go so smoothly, she could only say that that person was too guilty. But that's fine too. Si Shengyao only had one recording in his hand when he was sent to the police station. Without witnesses, he couldn't prove anything.

At least it gave the public relations buffer time for peace of mind.


At the same time she was calling Lin Anxin, a Lexus stopped at Si's old house at high speed.

"Here we are, President Si." The driver respectfully stood aside and opened the door.

The man who got out of the car was dressed in a neat suit and looked very heroic. The corners of the mouth that were always smiling were tightly pressed into a straight line at this moment, and the peach blossom eyes that were harmless to humans and animals were also full of evil spirit. The driver hardly dared to take a big breath under such a strong sense of oppression, and silently followed behind the man...

He didn't know what happened to Mr. Si, the meeting in Linshi was going well, but after receiving a phone call, his whole body went wrong. Not only did he end the meeting ahead of schedule, but he also postponed the dinner appointment with the partner company, and rushed back without stopping. The strangest thing is that usually the boss came back so quickly to go to the small apartment, but this time he actually went back to the old house.

One must know that the number of times President Si returns to the old house in a year can be counted on one hand. What does the good President do when he returns to the old house?

The servants in the old house were equally surprised when they saw Si Chen come back, "Master?"

Si Chen's face sank like water, he changed from his amiable and amiable appearance before, ignoring everyone and walked straight inside...

One of the servants came to his senses, ran over quickly, and opened his hands to stop him as if he was nervous, "Master, are you back? I'll inform the master."

"Step aside!"

Under Si Chen's fury, the servant's face turned pale with fright, and he stammered, "I, I just want to tell the master the good news, young master...don't be angry..."

As she spoke, she winked at the people next to her.

It's a pity that the servant next to him was overwhelmed by Si Chen's aura and didn't react immediately.

She was dying of anxiety, but she didn't dare to curse in front of Si Chen, so she could only bear to remind, "Master doesn't know that you are back, Master..."

Si Chen narrowed his eyes, and had already noticed her little tricks of winking. Filled with impatience, he coldly yelled at her, "Get out of the way, don't make me say it a third time!"

The servant's face froze, and he couldn't hold back his face. She has worked in the Si family for more than 20 years, and she has always had a lot of face here. The master thinks highly of her, and even treats her more politely. She is considered a housekeeper among the servants in the old house.

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