"I just want to force you, you can deal with me like you dealt with your father!" Su Yijiu became angry and refused to communicate with him at all.

Si Chen was angry and helpless, and stretched out his hand to hold her, "Mom, can you not do this? I feel embarrassed when you do this."

Su Yijiu let go of the breath that was holding her chest, but her attitude was still firm, she looked into his eyes and said, "I can't help it, as I said, if An Xin girl is just from a simple ordinary family, I won't despise her. You like her and I like her. But her situation is more complicated than I imagined. Have you ever thought that she will face more attention when she becomes your wife. Once someone exposes her life experience, when the time comes you How to round things up?"

"What do others think of you, and what do you think of our family?"

"I don't care what other people think. It's not her fault! An Xin is also a victim. Mom, you are not unreasonable. How can you blame her for this?"

Si Chen also argued with her steadfastly, defending Lin Anxin both inside and out. After he finished speaking, he softened his expression again, stretched out his hand to hold her, and said pleadingly, "Mom, don't do this, I hope the girl I like, you like her too."||

In fact, when Su Yijiu saw the text message Si Shengyao sent her, her first reaction was to get angry, angry that Lin Anxin didn't tell her about such a big thing in advance. Afterwards, Si Chen told her about the inside story of the orphanage. She was angry with Si Sheng Yao for bringing him back without even finding out what happened, and she was angry with Si Chen for sending Si Sheng Yao to the hospital. There was also a little heartache that she deliberately ignored.

Seeing her silence, Si Chen knew that she was a typical knife-mouthed and tofu-hearted, so he immediately shook her arm in pursuit of victory, "Mom, don't be angry."

After all, it was her own son, Su Yijiu would act like that if she was angry again, and Si Chen was the kind of person who was good at coaxing women, so her expression gradually eased. Just when Si Chen thought he had convinced her, Su Yijiu calmed down and said, "You don't need to say any more, since I have made a decision, I won't change it easily."

Before Si Chen opened his mouth to speak, she had already pulled his hand away and said before him, "But I won't force you to break up right away. You can talk to An Xin girl slowly, and try not to hurt her."

She didn't know that Chi Enen had already cleaned up the head of the orphanage. She looked gloomy and said softly, "As for the person your father brought back, don't worry, I will let your father hand him over. Don't worry, I I won't let that scumbag go!"

Si Chen saw that she clearly felt sorry for Lin Anxin and still didn't admit it, and insisted on letting them break up, so he pondered for a moment, and he already knew it, "I know."

He could see that continuing to pester him was of no use, and his mother would not let go for the time being. But she gave him time, so he could delay it for a while and think of a solution. Continuing to talk will only make his mother vent her anger on An Xin, and the gains outweigh the losses. It's better to let go temporarily and buy time.

After all, it was his own son, Su Yijiu somewhat understood his thoughts, squinted at him, and said angrily, "You don't want to procrastinate, do you?"

Si Chen immediately raised his hand, and lied without blinking, "No, didn't you say to give me time to tidy up, so as not to hurt An Xin?"

Su Yijiu frowned, "There is no best thing, I give you time so that you try not to hurt An Xin girl, not to delay you. I want me to find out that you are delaying to lie to me..."

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