Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 721 Nono has a genetic disease

"Nono has a hereditary disease." Chi Enen bit her lower lip before reluctantly continuing, "Coagulation disorder, which is hemophilia."

This disease is either serious or minor, just like the princess in the Sleeping Beauty story who was cursed by a witch from birth. As long as she is not pricked by a textile needle, nothing will happen to her. Once the finger is pricked, it will fall into a deep sleep.

"When Nono was born, I gave her a comprehensive examination. The doctor said that although I was lucky not to be infected, Nono... still inherited a hereditary coagulation disorder. As the name suggests, it is our ordinary A person may accidentally break the skin or make a cut, and soon the bleeding will stop and scabs will form. Nono will not."

"If she accidentally cuts her hand, she won't be able to heal it, and the blood will continue to flow until all the blood in her body is gone."

With this kind of disease, the minor injuries were fine, and she was sent to the hospital in time to use special medicine to stop the bleeding.

Once a major accident occurs and blood vessels are injured, there is basically no possibility of rescue. So after the nanny who had been working for a year lost Nono the day before yesterday, no matter how the nanny defended or apologized, she fired her without mercy. It is because Nono is not an ordinary child. She has a fatal flaw. This flaw requires adults to pay more attention and care to ensure her healthy growth.

"This year, I have been looking for experts in this field to try to see if there is any way to cure this disease. But because this disease is so rare and hereditary, there has been no progress." Chi Enen He silently glanced at the little man on the sofa, his eyes particularly gentle.

But she does not regret her original decision. Although Nono was born two months prematurely and has a genetic disease called coagulation disorder, as long as she is careful, there will be no major problems.

In addition to inheriting a family disease, Nono is very healthy and well-behaved. She is only one year old and seems to know that she and her uncle are not allowed to play with sharp objects.

She sometimes gets curious when she sees fruit knives, glass toys and the like, but she never asks for them and will take the initiative to avoid them.

Chi Enen's heart felt warm and soft when he thought about everything he had experienced in the past year, and something in his heart collapsed inexplicably.

Li Beijue didn't say a word from beginning to end. He listened quietly to what she had to say. Then he pursed his thin lips into a thin line. His eagle eyes fell on the little girl who was looking at him. A trace of shock and pain flashed across her face. "...One year, no progress at all?"

damn it! Are all people in the medical field trash?

Since this disease has existed for a long time, why has no one developed a solution?

Just because there are very few people suffering from this disease and it is very rare, do you think that researching it is a waste of energy and material resources?

Chi Enen shook her head. Every time she talked about this topic, she felt very heavy, "No. The family has found many experts in this field for Nono over the past year, but no one said it could cure it. I just prescribed some medicines to enhance functions in this area, but I didn’t give them to Nono. She is too young and her body has not yet fully developed. I think giving her these medicines would be bad for her health."

After all, there is no danger in coagulation dysfunction as long as there is no injury.

"I will find someone to find a way. If there is really no definite treatment method in this area, I will find someone to research it! It will be researched in three to five years!"

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