Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 893 An old man like an old naughty boy


In a magnificent and ultra-luxurious castle.

The housekeeper wiped the sweat from his forehead, took his mobile phone, and walked towards the old lady who was bending over to water the flowers. He said respectfully, "Old lady, I have called Miss Enen as you asked, Miss Enen I was very anxious and said I would be back soon.”

The old lady who was watering the flowers raised her head and handed the watering can to the servant next to her. A smile appeared on her well-maintained face, "Enen is coming back? Hurry, give me to her quickly. The clothes and bags you bought are all ready."

The old lady looked to be sixty or seventy years old, with silver hair and a crane-like face. Although there were traces of time at the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, her skin still maintained a white luster. Coupled with the natural elegance and nobility radiating from her whole body, it makes people feel inexplicably friendly.

The housekeeper asked someone to get it, and said worriedly, "Old madam, you tricked Miss En En back like this. Miss En En will probably be angry if she finds out..."

"I didn't lie to Enen, you lied to her." The old lady smiled and put all the blame on the innocent housekeeper, "You saw me sitting on the sofa and covering my heart, so you thought I had a heart attack. It happened. In fact, I was just beating my shoulders at that time, missing my family Enen. You misunderstood. You called Enen and said that I had a heart attack and wanted to see her. Even if she was angry, she was angry with you. angry."

She was talking such serious nonsense, and what she said was so reasonable that the housekeeper was speechless.

"Don't worry, if she is really angry with you, I will help you coax her and say something nice to her."

The housekeeper was about to cry but couldn't find any tears. He bent down and said, "Thank you, madam."

Other people's old ladies are all aloof, but his own old lady is an old naughty boy. On the outside, she seems to be so noble that people dare not approach her. But after being together for a long time, you will realize that there is a child living in the heart of his old lady.

Unfortunately, my father-in-law is too busy and has neither married nor given birth to children in his thirties.

In such a big castle, the old lady is alone every day, so she will inevitably feel lonely. Later, I finally found the whereabouts of the missing young lady, but I learned that the young lady I had been looking for all my life had passed away, leaving only Miss En En. The old lady poured all her guilt and love into Miss Enen.

Miss Enen had only been out for a month. As soon as the old lady heard that Miss Enen had returned to country T, she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot and came up with this bad idea.

"I know you have been wronged." The old lady's eyes were as bright as glass, and she could see through people's hearts with just one glance. She sighed and said, "Actually, I don't want to use this method to deceive En En." Come back. But today is different, today I called Lieer over."

"Keke will definitely be brought here by her mother."

The cocoa she was talking about was Jiang Luoke, who was somewhat related to Chi Enen. She is the granddaughter of the old lady's sister.

"It's not that I don't like Keke. Keke is very sensible. Before I found Enen, I treated her as Enen. If I didn't find Enen, it would be good for me to introduce Lieer to her. But now I have found Enen. , I still hope that Enen can be with Lie'er." The old lady glanced at the housekeeper and said, "You said that if I don't trick her into going on a blind date with Lie'er, what will happen if she follows her uncle's example and doesn't get married?"

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