Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 900 A man like an ‘angel’

When the butler said this, he glanced at the young man with admiration.

He heard that Lie Shao went abroad to work as a doctor incognito in his early years, but he didn't expect Lie Shao's medical skills to be so good.

At first, the doctors who examined the young lady concluded that the young lady had leukemia. Lie Shao insisted that it was a hereditary blood disease. Sure enough, after careful examination, it was determined that Lie Shao's judgment was correct and that the young lady did indeed have a hereditary blood disease.

"Uncle..." the cute voice sounded milky.

The housekeeper glanced at the koala-like little girl again, and felt even more emotional.

When the young lady was first brought back by Lie Shao, she was dirty and had a high fever. She held on to Lie Shao's clothes tightly, but she was obedient and neither cried nor fussed.

Whether the doctor was giving her an injection or drawing blood, as long as Mr. Lie was around, she would obediently cooperate.

Once Mr. Lie disappears, a well-behaved person who doesn't cry or make trouble will cry and can't be coaxed. As soon as Mr. Lie came and hugged her, she immediately stopped crying. It was really fate, no wonder Mr. Lie doted on her so much.

Xize Lie touched the head of the little guy who wanted to talk to him, and asked the housekeeper, "She hasn't slept since she woke up in the morning?"

"Yes, the young lady woke up and found that Mr. Lie was not there, so she kept crying. Later, the maid who took care of her thought of a way and coaxed the young lady to wait for you at the door, so the young lady did not cry."

Wait for him to come back at the door...

She has a blood disease and cannot be exposed to too much sun. Also, her high fever has just subsided and she cannot blow air. Doesn’t that maid know these basic common sense?

Xize Lie frowned again. Although he didn't say anything, the housekeeper clearly felt his displeasure and lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Fortunately, Xize Lie was unhappy and didn't say anything. He picked up the giggling little girl and walked upstairs, "I'll take her to take a nap. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do!"


The housekeeper watched him go upstairs.

Just at this time, the two maids who were assigned to take care of Li Yinuo also came in from outside. No one was seen in the living room. The prettier girl walked up to the housekeeper and asked strangely, "Uncle Luo, where is the lady?" ?”

According to the rules, she couldn't ask the housekeeper about things, but she was beautiful and young, so the housekeeper treated her as his own daughter. He didn't care about her casual tone, "Young Master Lie has taken a nap upstairs."

"Oh." Youqing couldn't hide her disappointment, but soon she thought of something again and said happily, "I'm going to make porridge for the lady. This way the lady can eat it when she wakes up."

"Young Master Lie has no arrangements..." The maid next to her couldn't help calling her.

Youqing turned around, smiled energetically, stuck out her tongue and said, "I can prepare in advance even if there are no arrangements. I am doing it for the best of the young lady. Young Master Lie will not be angry."

Just now she interrupted without following the rules. Wasn't Mr. Lie not angry?

Xiaomi is just too cautious. How can Young Master Lie be so scary? There is no need to be so cautious at all, just be careful.

She jumped up and down and ran to the kitchen. Xiaomi couldn't stop her even if he wanted to, and couldn't help but have a worried look on his face.

Even the housekeeper, who had always been kind to her, frowned when he saw her series of actions, "Young Master Lie and Miss Lie have special people to cook their food. It's inexplicable that she went to make porridge. Xiaomi, you know this girl is here What are you thinking about?"

Xiaomi shook his head nervously, not daring to reveal his guess, "I don't know."

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