After saying that, she even felt funny.

Li Beijue was so drunk that it was strange that he knew it hurt!

She lowered her eyes and began to carefully treat the wounds on the back of his hands.

Fortunately, he has a strong physique. If an ordinary person loses control and hits the wall with two punches, he will definitely hurt the bones of his hand. Except for the skin and flesh, his muscles and bones are not affected at all.

After Chi Enen disinfected his wounds with alcohol, he found anti-inflammatory medicine and applied it to him. After doing all this, she took out the gauze and carefully bandaged his wound.

During the whole process, Li Beijue didn't say a word and sat there quietly, letting her deal with the wound.


After Chi Enen tied the gauze into a knot, he cut off the excess with small scissors, put away the messy things beside the bed, found stomach medicine from the medicine box, took out two pills, and placed them in his hand.

Then he stood up and poured a glass of water over, "Take the medicine."

Li Beijue lowered his head and glanced at the medicine in his hand, looked at her again, and frowned!

Chi Enen smelled the alcohol on his body and seriously suspected that he didn't know what medicine she gave him. She was about to explain when she saw the frowning man put the medicine directly into his mouth, took the water glass in his hand, and swallowed it without any hesitation...

It was as if what she gave him was poison, and he would swallow it without hesitation!

Paranoid! Focus!

Chi Enen's heart was shocked. Just as she was in a daze, her wrist was pulled again, but this time, it was not just a pull on her, but a strong pull, and she fell into an embrace full of alcohol. .

His strong arms were clasped around Chi Enen's waist, locking her firmly in his arms.

Chi Enen struggled for a while but didn't break away. He said helplessly, "Li Beijue, let me go..."

"Don't let go!"

Grit your teeth!

Chi Enen lost his temper because of him and was helpless, "Let me go first. You can't keep holding me like this tonight, right?"

"Why not?" As long as he wants to!

Li Beijue told her with practical actions what it means to just be able!

Chi Enen felt like the world was spinning. He had been pulled to the bed and fell into the soft Simmons...

The handsome face of the man standing above her was infinitely close to hers, so close that it was as if he could blink his eyelashes across her face.

At such a close distance, their breaths were almost intertwined, and Chi Enen could smell the strong smell of red wine and mint on his body.

The closer he got, the clearer his facial features became.

The sharp short hair, the white forehead, the straight bridge of the nose, and the eyes that make people fall in love with her at just one glance!

"Chi Enen." The strong smell of alcohol rushed towards him as he spoke.

Chi Enen frowned and responded to him resignedly, "Yeah."

"Chi Enen."


Li Beijue stared at her again, as if concentrating, but also unconsciously. His thin lips touched again and he called her for the third time, "Chi Enen."

Chi Enen didn't reply this time. She could tell that he just wanted to call her name, and he would call her name whether she answered him or not.


The fourth tone followed.

"Chi Enen."

One sound after another, as if he was tired.

Chi Enen's ears almost felt like cocoons.

He suddenly increased his tone, as if he was dissatisfied with her lack of response, "Chi Enen!"

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