The sound of even breathing came from the side. Chi Enen turned his head in disbelief and looked at the man close at hand.

Because he closed his eyes, his domineering and powerful feeling was slightly weakened, but because his facial features were already deep, he still looked like he had a natural aristocratic temperament, even if he was sleeping with his eyes closed. It still gives people a sense of superiority and arrogance unique to aristocrats...

Even though he was asleep, his thin lips were still pursed tightly, as if he was unhappy.

Li Beijue's lips have a slightly upward shape at the corners. In addition, his lips are very thin, like rose petals. If you don't pay attention, it will look like you are asking for a kiss.

Chi Enen never felt that the word "Yiqinfangze" could be used for men. Now, she really felt that she could use this word for the men around her, and it would not be inconsistent at all!

The smell of alcohol was still strong in his breath. Chi Enen moved and quietly lifted his arm around his waist, preparing to twist a wet handkerchief for him and wipe his face.

Unexpectedly, the man in her sleep seemed to have been disturbed by her. The arm she had finally moved away placed on her waist again. This time, he directly dragged her over, completely within his control. Only then did he stop.

The hoarse voice was still murmuring even after falling asleep, "Chi Enen..."

He could feel the man's hot breath in his ears, and his strong arms on his waist. Chi Enen knew that in this case, she would not want to break away tonight.

She originally thought she wouldn't be able to sleep if she was held like this tonight. But she didn't know whether it was because she found Nono, or because this embrace was strong but very reassuring. Slowly, she closed her eyes...

The night is still very long.

The bright moonlight outside the window spilled in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating the two people sleeping in each other's arms on the bed, making them feel indescribably warm.


The next day, the early morning sun shone in from outside. Chi Enen said "hmm" and turned over uncomfortably. He woke up only after finding that his waist was buckled.

When she woke up, Li Beijue was still awake.

She quietly pulled away the man's hand, and just as she was about to get up, the man who was sleeping soundly suddenly opened his eyes, and his obsidian gaze fell accurately on her, almost as if conditioned to launch, he caught her and started trying. hand.

"Morning." Chi Enen was the first to show a smile and greet him naturally.

The confusion in the arrogant man's eyes after he had just woken up slowly faded away. At the same time, his temples began to swell and ache due to the hangover.

He frowned, and his consciousness from last night gradually returned.

He remembered that he was in a bad mood and wanted to go out to enjoy the air, and then he met Si Chen. Si Chen insisted on taking him somewhere, so they went to a nearby small bar. He was in a bad mood, and he happened to have red wine, so he drank it. Get up...The memory after that is blurry. It seems that after drinking, Si Chen went to the toilet, and then Chi Enen came.

He lowered his head and his eyes touched the hand he was holding on to the little woman. The place he injured last night had been bandaged. The gauze was very new and the bandaging technique was very unprofessional. You didn't need to think about it to know who bandaged it for him.

A moment suddenly flashed through his mind. He was holding Chi Enen's hand. Chi Enen had no choice but to let him go and bandage him. Then he kept looking at her with her eyes lowered and bandaging his wound. …

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